Glimpses of Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Doomed Golden Couple

Who didn't read F Scott Fitzgerald's 'A Diamond as Big as the Ritz' or 'The Great Gatsby' at uni?
Not in for any Eng Lit course but for the sheer Jazz Age excess expressed in the stories. And of course for the delicious writing - like creme brulee.

Curiously though and when I think back, I had absolutely no mental image of either the writer or his wife.

I'm going to redress this now.
Apart from photographs, I was stunned to find so much film footage!
So Zelda as a young woman ...

... and walking about rather saucily and hip-swinging in a garden ...
A little older ...

... and playing gaily about in a street ...
The couple with daughter Frances ...

... and in a garden ...
On the Riviera, where the family retreated to escape the gloom of the Great Depression - and keep the party going ...

... and in a cafe ...
And finally, F Scott Fitzgerald working on 'The Great Gatsby' ...
Happily, my visual memory bank of the gilded and alcoholic couple is now full to overflowing!