Monday, 26 September 2011

Post Coital Gamesmanship

I just love this quirky short film. Made me laugh out loud ... a sure sign for a post.

Won't say more about it, just enjoy ...

... and tell us what you think.


  1. Very odd although he's adorable. Snazzy apartment for an aspiring actor. What function did you play in this production from A D Films?

  2. hey alan

    couldn't agree more - always wonder how come bus drivers and their ilk can always buy a much better place than i live in - one of the great the wonders of film

    he is very adorable - in character, sweet and seeming genuine and damn hot

    i would have liked to play the couch casting director in this piece - sadly i just stole this short film from a nice collection i stumbled across yesterday

    not sure the humour would appeals to all - had me rolling round

