Thursday, 20 September 2012

Erik Striker Probably Didn’t Get Those Lips Sucking Lemons

I feel people would be saying the same about my lips after I’d been sucking Erik for say …  let’s not exaggerate … a month!

In general, a pale-skinned fleshy Latino, even with a certain amount of attitude … .

… and I’m seriously in.

And there's something about pale skin that makes a guy seem more naked ... and makes you feel you can almost taste him - the sweat in his crotch ... and, well, you know all the other delicious places.


  1. That's a profile one would see on an ancient coin.

    And as for the rest...well, I'll join you in protecting a precious natural resource. What a cutie! I'm so glad he's willing to Share All, at least in photographs.

    1. yes, indeed, he's a bit of an Augustus Agrippa!

      he's like some deliciously erotic gelato - not sure quite what flavour but it's one i know i love!!

  2. There is something deliciously ... normal about him. He's well made without being ridiculously muscled, nice looking without being model handsome, young without being a kid. Very nice!

    1. yes, deliciously normal in the sense that you can imagine him existing in your own world, not just a fantasy living in the pages of a gay mag.

  3. He's so naturally hot!! Wish I could burry my face in his buns and pits!
