Wednesday, 31 December 2008

A Very Happy New Year for 2009 !!!

Have a great great 2009 guys - full of great great guys and other stuff.

And between bouts with all these great great guys, guys, drop on by! And tell us all about it! And remember, detail is everything.

And you could also share any interesting or stimulating activity occurring between your ears that you think we might want to hear, discuss or whatever.

Some of the bubble and squeak at Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge tonight ...

... the kiddies 9pm fireworks - the warm-up for the totally more fab big peoples' fireworks at midnight!
Antonio Sabato Jnr Does 'Gay'

I remember the impact of seeing that first Antonio Sabato Jnr poster - a friend and I seriously considered smashing the glass of the hoarding, and doing a grab and run! Really!

Of course he aged - rather fabulously - as we did ourselves ...

... and flashed his dick in 'Testosterone' (2003) ...

... mmm ... okay!

And now he's done 'gay'.

At first I thought he did it rather nicely and sweetly.

But the more I looked at the shots, the more I realized there was absolutely no reaction to the other guy.

Only an almost smirking (?) smile at the photographer. Which I find it hard to read. A put down of the situation? Or having decent fun in another than his usual mode of gay?

Not sure.

What do you guys think?

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Benny Drew aka Stefan Andersen - A Second Serve

A bit older ... and still looking scorching scorching HOT!

If that isn't the most suckable dick on the planet, I'll wanna know what guys!

Reckon it's the purple-pink colour that makes it absolutely irresistible ... to my mouth.

And embedded in a thick dark bush! Fuck, what a bonus!

And all looked down on by that beautiful face.

Hell, who could ask for anything more!

Monday, 29 December 2008

The New Phenomenon of 'Blog Followers'

I was curious the other day to notice something just appear on my blog - 'blog followers'. 

For a very small amount of time (promise!), I thought people were KGB-ing me (and by extension us) to guard against copyright infringements. Which none of us of course have ever indulged in - always hiring top models for high production value photo shoots. And renting studio space to extend these sessions into blockbuster 'action' movies. Which we then post - to stimulate you, in a very natural and health-giving way.

Beyond now knowing it's only about who's following your blog, to some degree or other, I'm still a little fuzzy about the deal.

So I must go to the Blogger homepage and investigate - and report back!

And then decide where I am going to become a 'follower'!
Denny Drew (?) - One of the Hottest Guys on the Planet

I started this post today with ...

... but then came across Denny Drew - and had to make a sharp sharp detour.

Is his not one of the most beautiful faces ... AND hottest holes! And the darkest densest most totally erotic bush. And most else.

Dolph Lambert eat your heart out!!! 

The butt hole to give my grandmother an intantaneous and fatal kalliption!

And if you say I've got it the wrong way round, I'll just put my fingers in my ears.

I'll see your 'mouth' moving but have absolutely no idea what's coming out of it.


Sunday, 28 December 2008

Dolph Lambert In An Imperceptibly More Slutty Mood

I guess it's difficult for someone who usually constructs themselves as a pristine classic beauty to do real filthy and slutty.

And although Dolph here makes a valiant effort here, he fails ... somewhat dismally. In my judgment. And of course I'm not in any way being critical!

I still thought I'd document his set. Just for the record, mind you. In the spirit of encouragement ... for future ventures.

Okay, Dolph starts off in the strictly vanilla zone ...

And then takes a nano-step in the direction of depraved and degraded ... in fact rather cleverly grabbing his right bun to open his hole ... in a smutty and suggestive way.

He follows this up by going to the classic legs-up-and-apart position - to make the absolute most of anus-openness in close-up (though it still looks as tight as a goldfish's arse!).

Our guy finishes with an eyeball-to-chocolate-tunnel doggie 'fuck me now' tantric position.

Okay, I reckon 6.5 out of ten - and only cos he's so fucking beautiful ... and BLOND!

I suppose we could check out a couple of clips ... to see where Dolph's at there?

Only if you want to .... ? !

Ok, the kiss with Luke Hamill ...

... and the promo for belami (which gets down to it at the end) ...

... and the ever-so-slightly grittier session with Maverick (lousy quality :< - sorry) ...

So how many out of 10 now?

You judge guys!

Saturday, 27 December 2008

Transitory Muscle Mary Tendencies

I really don't have any real latent Muscle Mary tendencies.

But when I saw this guy (Paul Torbabene) ...

... I was really tempted over to the muscle side.

So - momentarily - I thought I'd indulge this new big arms and shoulders fetish ...

Too far for you, even at a fantasy level ... ?

Okay, enough enough - though I bet I could tempt you a bit further by Christian St. Jon aka Christian Mousel.

Would it have been the DICK that revived your interest?

Eartha Kitt (1927-2008) - So Much More Than A Gay Icon

Of Cherokee, African-American, Dutch and German descent and famously described by Orson Wells as 'the most exciting woman in the world', Eartha Kitt began her career as a dancer with the Katherine Dunham Company in the 1940's.

And then took a turn into singing ...

'Just An Old-Fashioned Girl' (1962)

... and acting (movies and television [Catwoman in the 'Batman' series]) ...

... and Broadway and ... and ... and ... .

A bit of a Leonardo da Vinci of entertainment, Eartha Kitt was also politically aware and an implacable activist. I remember seeing her as a kid in London where she stopped the show to vituperatively tirade the audience - I was too young to be aware of the particular issue - just the intensity and conviction.

This activism later extended to participating in benefits for HIV/AIDS ...

'Love for Sale'

Eartha Kitt was one of the first to put real hot-blooded raunchy real sex back into open and public consideration - the subject having taken a big big nose-dive after the 'roaring twenties'. Though constructing it to an extent in conventional terms to buy wider acceptablity.

Her later work was somewhat self-parody but there was always a sense of this even in the early performances. Again her strategy to be more palatable in conservative times.

Eartha Kitt was big fearless person ... and knew what she was about.

She should be truly missed!