Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Celebrating the Approach of the Two Millionth Visitor?

With the 2,000,000 visitor mile stone approaching, it seems to me there should be some sort of 'prize', like those for the millionth car crossing a bridge or the ten millionth person climbing the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower.

Perhaps all the photos of the blog compiled onto a DVD?

Or a date and rabid unending sex with a Blog Icon of your choice? And the video of the whole thing.

What do you think? Any other suggestions?


  1. I'll take the "rabid unending sex with a blog icon of my choice" prize! As long as you don't have to hurt the perspective "lucky" blog icon too much while you are hypnotizing him into being my love toy!! lol

    Hey! Why not giving the lucky prize winner the option of having you invite me - ahem - the prize winner over to your place and having unending rabid and gratuitous sex with you?

    Just a thought! lol

  2. hey greg, actually i had thought of drugging the icon ... or was it spinning him into unconsciousness ... or reading him the phone book till he fainted away with boredom - but then i realized your steller (with or without me present) will get any of the icons hot as all hell for YOU!!! LOL. my place next mmm saturday ... you know the rest.

  3. oh decisions decisions - ok, am greedy so its gotta b rabid sex with ALL the icons lol well, its only fait x

  4. hey monkeygirl. LOL - with all the icons together or separately? i might do both! let's both do this and compare notes. take care. nick
