Saturday 30 August 2008

Andre or Andrzej Ziehe - A Marienda

Just a marienda or afternoon snack - read 'no dick shot'.

But there's something in this Brazilian's lean muscularity that makes the summer feel as though it's less than 3-4 months away!

There's some footage of him prancing along a Milanese runway - if you can bear all the fashion hype. Maybe a small squiz?

He reminds me bit of Rafael Vega.

So we ended up with some dick after all! Surprise surprise!


  1. Whatever designer made him walk around in that discarded space junk should be shot into space.

    Alan down in Florida

  2. hey alan.

    let's start the great urban myth that the designer was so discouraged seeing his shitty designs on the runway ... that he garroted himself (he is/was QUITE handy with a switch blade! did you know?).

    PS: just noticed, as i type this, that rafael verga's dick is hanging over your name in your comment - an omen? if you were your name you could tilt your head back ... you know the rest!

    have a good one today.



  3. He looks just about as Brazilian as myself. OK, apart from the dick ;)

    And the space skirt? It would hurt my eyes even if I was 9 yo back in...the 80s. It hurts more now.

    Nice face, though :-P

  4. LOL! I'm with Alan on that weird .. space suit? Space skirt? Whatever. Sometimes I think some of the people in the "fashion" industry just have to do drugs!

    Hot guys though, despite what they are wearing. And glad you managed to put a cock in there for our enjoyment!

  5. hey greg. a cockless post is an oxymoron! i tried ... but then something overcame me and i had to find some way of getting dick in - the similarity of andre with rafael verga seemed a pretty good excuse!

  6. and i'm not one put put down a man just cos he's in a dress (so many of our community are tempted into them) but it's not part of my sexual fantasies. well, at least for andre!

  7. hey peter. yeah, apparently he is from brazil tho you wouldn't think it - even his name says something else. and it IS amazing what they let loose on a runway! the desperation of the industry to be novel! it's what's in the dress that's the thing! mmm
