Friday, 15 January 2010

Okay Guys, What's Your Preference?

The concept of this post is dead simple - voting on the ten guys below.

For some, I'll put in more than one look - as though anyone'd need any extra help for this kinda task!

1 - Sam Sloan

2 - Hot Stud Hunk

3 - Ryan Raz

4 - Jonas

5 - Latin Hunk

6 - Kurt Stefano

7 - Ricardo Villani

8 - Cody Cummings

9 Shawn Taylor

10 - Jay

Cute 'finish', hey!

So ... ?

My thanks again to Greg from whom I've probably 'stolen' a few/many/most/all of these pics!


  1. I'd have to say #7, but I'd rather vote for am 11th option - REDHEADS!

  2. 10. I'm a sucker for a dark bush. Maybe because I have one.

  3. yup, of these 10 -- my vote for #10

  4. 1000 votes for the 10!!!!!!
    Thanks for all

  5. Put me down for #3, Ryan Raz. He has many more "looks" than the young chicken look you posted. He is VERY hot.

  6. My vote goes to ##3 followed closely by #4 although the best individual photo is the very last one.

  7. I'd have to vote for Ryan Raz. I'm not normally into blonds but he has a certain boyish charm, a pretty cock and a bum that is completely irresistible (how inviting is that pose?!). Close runner up would be cuddly Kurt Steffano (who I lusted after years ago). On physical appearance alone Cody Cummings may have been up there for consideration, but I couldn't bring myself to promote his tiresome 'gay-for-pay' hypocrisy!

  8. Jeez Louise! How is a guy to choose just one from the bounty of beauties on display? I'd invite any one of them to a sleep-over. Hell, I'd invite them all to the same sleep-over. OK. Sam Sloan is new to me, but I am enchanted by his thick, veiny, uncut cock. However, I think my vote would have to go to Jay, who is just so darn handsome and has hair in all the right places. Not the biggest cock on display, but a cute and sexy guy nonetheless.

  9. It's a tough choice but I'd say 1 and 9 in a dead heat with most of the others close behind.

  10. i loved jay, the number 10

  11. Tough decision...but Sam Sloane steals it for me!!!

  12. hey 8HZUI

    ricardo has been a looooong time fav - he does mainstream modeling but happily does stuff for us too! even does the hard-on - some models do nude but never get it up - guess he's pretty pleased with what's between his legs and why not!

    redheads next time - promise!

  13. hey wit

    dark bushes rule !

    and you know of my semi-fixation on jay - who has the penultimate dark bush

    which reminds me to do another one on him soon!

    thanks for the nudge!

    best, nick

  14. hey busmar

    you show good taste my friend - as i've said (unceasingly) jay is my current fetish man

    and round the back, better and better

    cya, nick

  15. hey psikopatte

    jay seems to be a clear winner! justifying my mega-posts on him

    just waiting for him to do more 'work' so i can do him again!!!

    cya, nick

  16. hey glen0330

    ryan raz is really classically good-looking AND totally erotic and the same moment - a hard one to achieve - and it achieves one hard-on for me, big time

    cya, nick

  17. hey alan

    ryan raz is kinda perfect - and yeah the last image has that little something extra - not sure what you'd call it - is there a word you can think of? the challenge! the pressure!

    best, nick

  18. hey kev

    right answer! LOL - and there is a correct answer here - well, as far as i'm/we're concerned


  19. hey nigel

    ryan raz revived my blond thing in a big way - other things too! LOL and he'd better not bend over in the shower to pick up the soap anywhere near me

    kurt was a fav of mine too - my first knobbly-headed dick!

    didn't know bout cody - he just slid down some places on my list!

    cya, nick

    cya, nick

  20. hey harry

    i'm with you - let's agree to be able to have ... 10 choices!

    and with that sleep-over - they all have to focus on me - not a greedy selfish thing - just a sex thing - LOL

    i must say the first thing i noticed bout sam was the dick - hence the close-up, but that's just me!

    but we're with the strength going for jay - vote-wise winner by a mile - the hottest butt on the net and his dick - a no gagging situation - great for a dedicated sucker like me!

    cya, nick

  21. hey max

    it is tough - sam is hot and his dick hotter, if that makes any sense

    and shawn, scorching ... the dark olive skin and blond hair is kinda unusual and very very erotic - big fat juicy delicious dick too - and the butt - i'm down on my knees already - for both!

    cya, nick

  22. hey thewhitecat

    for some reason i posted sam first ... LOL!

    but it's good to seriously consider the opposition - as you say!

    cya, nick

  23. hey anon,

    jay is my fav - the total uber guy

    cya, nick

  24. hey anon

    10 (jay) is definitely the winner!

    did you see my mega post on him?

    and the link i posted there for the video - scorching and i mean scorching hit!

  25. hey lozzo

    the longer you take the more enjoyable it is!

  26. Number 1 then number 7. (I'm sorry that I'm greedy!)

  27. hey DJ

    not really - i want all 10! and then some - now THAT'S greedy - LOL

    best, nick

  28. #10 Jay all the way... Nice bits and bush!!! But the last shot... FUCK is that man pussy nice or what??? Has nice nuts for tbagging too.

  29. Yess! I get number 2 all to myself. Well, except for when he's required for group activities.

    I'll take Kurt as understudy.

  30. 10. Jay!
    Dark bush and a hairy ass... what more could you ask for? I guess the amazing body helps.

  31. They're all pretty hot to me, but I would have to go with number 2(though I wish he would make eye contact)or number 10, he is classic, handsome, masculine and I love the natural hair, something that is increasingly rare these days. You have impeccable taste nick.

  32. hey anon

    yep, jay is all round erotica - and the cheeky grin as he slashes his man pussy ... too fucking hot for words!

    take care, nick

  33. ok..I'll go for #1 and then #10...if #1 does not SHOW know I'd have NO problems with #10


  34. hey anon

    yeah jay does look like a fratboy - tho not like any i saw at college!

    take care, nick

  35. hey derek

    yep, all yours!

    but why there wasn't a bun fight over him is beyond me

    actually there was another vote for him - mine!

    take care, nick

  36. hey anon,

    have a thing for streeties too

    next poll post i'll make sure to have at least one in

    take care, nick

  37. hey anon,

    have a thing for streeties too

    next poll post i'll make sure to have at least one in

    take care, nick

  38. hey shawn

    jay is definitely the fav here - for good reason - love solid claves and thighs - often a great chest is supported on chicken legs

    cute too, in his manner - he's got it all!

    take care, nick

  39. hey princedeligne

    i flip flop around about these guys but honestly 2 and 10 are my favs with 7 a hair's breadth behind - sadly not mine!

    take care, nick

  40. hey pointer

    10 is not a bad consolation prize!

    take care, nick

  41. I vote for number 10. I go for hairy every time.

  42. hey jason_m

    10 it is!

    take care, nick

  43. hey doug

    hairy is pretty high on my list too

    and jay has got all the rest as well - no contest!

    take care. nick

  44. 嘿梅尼,感謝您的評論!好聽到你,照顧,尼克

  45. #10 all the way!! such a hot hot hot hairy guy... YUMMY... thanks, Nick...

    Louisville KY USA

  46. My second official comment...i guess this is a nice post to make it:)

    iìd go for number 3 or these two different types of bottom:)

    thanks nick, ciao from italy

  47. Shawn from the front and Ryan from the back. Actually both at the same time, otherwise I am going to go crazy running from one to the other.

  48. I'd say:

    7: face

    9: body and coooock

  49. Hmm. Maybe you should run a poll again some time. 53 comments is the most I have seen on any blog! Well done you!

    Oh, this makes it 54, a deffinate winner!

  50. #1 or 5, definitely

  51. hey anon

    a first vote for 5 - always been hot for him too!

  52. hey anon

    will you take 6 and 10 COD?


  53. hey kevin

    with 54, the problem will be stopping every post being a poll!

    cya, nick

  54. hey anon

    7 and 9 together - transplanting is the answer!

    best, nick

  55. hey trevors2u

    reckon instead of running from one to the other, get them pile on you and then get them to run and pile on me - LOL

    best, nick

  56. hey ale

    second comments are cool - i've made a ton and am enjoying doing more!

    au revoir, nick

  57. #10, he's perfect with that furry ass

  58. hey kevgroups

    a big furry muscle butt - gets my undivided attention every time!

  59. hey anon,

    #10 is without question the winner - as u say, a 'super hottie'

  60. Holy Moly!
    You won the "most comments" sweepstakes, Nick!!

    And - lol about the stolen comment, although I'm sure I've stolen a bunch from you as well.

    As for the guys .... hmmmm ... Sam Sloan or Jonas?????
    Jonas or Sam Sloan?????

    Oh hell with it, I'll take Ricardo Villani! lol

  61. I had decided that the one with the same name as mine was getting the vote, and then I saw Jay. Sorry namesake, #10 is a 10.

  62. hey the new me

    i think you're right - maybe 20 is the new 10?

  63. Thanks a lot Nick
    I (and i think we) wait for a mega mega post with The fabulous marvellous very extra beautifull Jay

  64. Number 1 please.

  65. hey prikopatte

    just waiting for jay to put out another video

    i'll check to see if i've posted on all the stuff he's put out to date = desperate that i may have missed doing one! LOL

    he's gone over to treasyre island media and queerclick say he's working there now - 'gone over to the dark side' as they put it

    in all - something WILL be posted!

    cya, nick

  66. hey anon

    i've just put a stamp on his forehead - just need to add an address and he's on his way - LOL

  67. #6 & #10. Love their hair ;) and looks. #10 has a fantastic back and is funny too, so i guess if i had to choose between them it had to be #10 just because you've posted more pics of him.

  68. #2 it is actually. That's a man, the organ certainly is, but yet something boyish in the shy way he looks down, gentle and arousing invitation to rest on the broad chest after a play in the bush... what do you all reckon? Great post, again.

  69. hey BBGio

    yeah, i love the combo of fun and dead eroticism in the last image of #10 - i have a friend who does quirky looks like that - not the same bod tho.

    just doing a mega jay (#10) post so button down the hatches!

  70. hey anon

    as i've said before (somewhere?! LOL) i think #2 is one of the hottest guys around - and you are right - what's so hot is that he's not pushing it in your face - just seducing us with quite erotic contempation

  71. ryan or ricardo

  72. hey anon

    or ryan and ricardo together



  73. You always have such a nice collection of smut and culture/history. Nice site – been visiting for years it seems. You have a good mind and range of pleasant interests.

    Okay, now to vote. Having Chicago roots where we “vote early and vote often”, I’ll stuff the ballot box with 7 votes for number 2, 3 votes for number 4, 7 votes for number 5, and 6 votes for 10.

    Then I will help count the votes and add 4 more to number five for having such a sweet little smile in the picture.

    And besides stuffing the ballot box, I may try to stuff number two (after stuffing number five), offering him 4 more votes as a bribe (which he of course accepts).

    In an age of superficial twitter, tweeter, twatter, and headache inducing “everyone look at me” Facebook, it is nice to see someone taking the time and energy to actually carefully craft a living nuanced blog. Keep up your high standards. TBird.

  74. hey t-bird

    good to hear from you and glad you like the diversity - just like life, so why narrow ourselves - LOL

    i like the concept of vote often! the guys you most chosen (2, 5 and 10) have that amazing combination of being sweet and hot as hell - like dinner and then a raging session round the bed - with a chat after ... to arrange the next date to 'stuff' the 'ballot boxes' again

    and thanks very much for the appreciation!

    cya, nick
