Thursday, 27 March 2008

Lost and Found 'Treasures'

Did you ever rummage through junk shops in the hope of finding a lost 'treasure'? I think it's a deep-seated thing in human nature.

The only such discovery I've ever made was in a second-hand store - a Galle art glass vase, supported on a gilt bronze organic form. Not unlike the Degue example below, but with the bowl 'organic' in the same mode of the stand.

Art Glass by Degue

Being a student at the time and financially challenged, I sold the vase the very same day to an antique dealer friend for forty times what I'd paid for it. And it appeared the following day in his smart shop window - centre-stage and spot lit - with a three-fold marked up price tag.

Now this discovery rush can be experienced second-hand.

Like when I read about the finding by Bedouins of the roughly 1000 Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran in 1947 and 1979. Hidden in jars in remote caves in mountains, they were copies of religious and other documents from before 100 AD.

Caves at Qumran

Dead Sea Scroll

Qumran Scroll Jar

The latest of these rushes I've had was when I heard about the discovery four years ago of the masterpiece 'Tres Personajes' (1970) by legendary Mexican artist Rufino Tamayo - in trash in a New York street.

'Tres Personajes' (1970) - Rufino Tamayo (1899-1991)

Doing unrelated research on the 'Antiques Roadshow FYI' website in the 'Missing Masterpieces' segment, the finder saw her oil painting and contacted its earlier owner - it had been purchased at auction in 1977 and stolen in 1987.

In November 2007, the real owner achieved $1,049,000 at Sotheby's auction sale, with the finder (Elizabeth Gibson) happily getting a substantial reward - $15,0000 plus a percentage of the action sale!

Emily Genauer, art historian and author of the most important work on the artist in English, has said of the artist:

'Tamayo’s lasting legacy to art history is the re-examination of Cubism and the explication of Mexico’s pre-Columbian history while incorporating elements of the mainstream movements of 20th century art. Tamayo is known for his vivid coloring and innovative use of texture, often incorporating sand and raw pigment into his works.'

Of course, stories like these are the genesis of untold numbers of 'great urban myths' and are a great boost to the faking industry.
Hugh, Mike Roberts' Next Fuck Buddy!

The more I check out images of Hugh, the more I realize how great (actually I mean perfect) he is ... all over.

Great washboard. And obliques. Amazing furry bubble butt. Big thick long dick. And the densest dark hairy bush. And ... and ... and ... . He has it all!

Lucky Mike!

Of course when Hugh's done with Mike, he'll be rabidly after me ... or one of you guys! No-one else will ever matter to him again. He'll explain that Mike was a stupid mistake. And apologize a lot, and I mean a real lot. With tears and pleading hand gestures. You can just picture the pathetic scene. It'll be truly heart-rending.

Now remember, whoever gets THE CALL is duty-bound to tell the rest of us all about it! In detail. With photos. And audio recordings. And ... whatever.

Okay, I'm waiting. Reckon it'll be in the next couple of hours. Or before tomorrow night at least. But before next week!

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

The On-Your-Knees View of a Very Hot Very Big Very Hard Guy

Does anything at all need to be said, guys?


Though it's as much about the look on his face ... and that down-turned mouth with its full red lips. Enough enough!

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Poll : Age Group/s of Guys You Find Sexy

Hey guys. I've added a poll to check out the age group/s you'd like to see more guys of in this blog.





It's up for a week - so go for it guys!

Saturday, 22 March 2008

And Continuing the 'Space' Theme ...

A friend of a friend's granddaughter works for NASA and sent me these rather spectacular photographs taken during an Endeavour mission.

Click on each one and you get really great enlargement!

This last pic is of Hurricane Dean.

Well, my socks are blown off!

Though looks rather more like something produced on a Hollywood movie set.

And reminds me of the conspiracy theory of the early 1970's that man-men never actually went to the moon - it was all manufactured by NASA on a back lot somewhere or other. All in the service of winning the space race.

Did everyone hear this great urban myth?
Cole - An Olympically Great Dick ... But There's More!

Now, my potential but as yet unrealized fuck buddy Cole has one of those dicks that he need never be ashamed of ... ever! Even in the presence of the inimitable 'Mike Roberts'!

The very best part of a pretty great solid hunky bod.

But there's more ... !!!

I have most definitely died and gone to super butt heaven !!!

I dare you to tell me I'm wrong! Remember lying will get you turned to stone !

Friday, 21 March 2008

Some Interesting Stuff about the Moon

A Moon Candy Box

I was reading a piece about the creation and destiny of the moon, and became aware of two interesting things I hadn't previously known. No, not it's exact diameter or the distance from the earth down to the last centimetre! Aren't there so many facts out there that you don't wanna or need to know! Like just so much National Geographic wallpaper.

Interesting Fact Number One. The origin of the moon was from the accretion of the material thrown into space when Thea, one of the larger numbers of planets that circled our sun four billion years ago, collided with the earth.

Still from the early French film 'Le Voyage dans la lune' (Georges Melies, 1902)

Interesting Fact Number Two. Some of the craters on the moon were formed when debris from this collision was finally drawn to the moon by it's gravitational field. So the early geological history of the earth has been preserved there in a pristine undegraded state.

Features of the Moon Giving Rise to the 'Man in the Moon' Stuff: Eyes (Lava Flows of Mare Imbrium and Mare Serenitatis), Nose (Flow of Sinus Aestuum) and Mouth (Flows of Mare Nubium and Mare Cognitum)

Interesting Fact Number Thrre. The moon is increasingly moving away from the earth - at the rate of half an inch a year, a fact determined by scientists from beaming radio waves off a panel left on its surface during one of the moon landings.

So the moon's POQ-ing! And going to leave us in a romantic vacuum!

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Gelato Non-Trivia - The Real Best Gelateria in Rome

Piazza della Rotonda, Rome

The big domed building here is the Pantheon, which forms the southern side the Piazza della Rotonda in Rome.

It was constructed on the site by the emperor Hadrian in 118 AD, and was so named as it was dedicated to all the gods. Its dome was the largest in the world (with a diametre of 142 feet) ...

... till 1436, with the completion of the one crowning the Dumo in Florence.

Marcus Agrippa, the emperor Augustus's son-in-law, had founded the first Roman temple on the site in 27 BC - one dedicated to Venus and Mars. This building had subsequently been raised by fire.

But cutting to the chase, guys ... the arrow on the opening google-eyed view of the piazza locates the cafe with absolutely the very best gelato on the entire planet. There is a vicious rumour that is the best gelateria in the city is the Giolitti, founded in 1800 - propaganda no doubt put out by the current owners or their co-conspirators. But here is a photo of the real best gelateria - arrowed.

Gelato Heaven, Piazza della Rotunda

Given this vital bit of gelato-straightening-out tourist-ese, you'd need to live in the Piazza della Rotonda for easy access. The absolutely charming old-style hotel below is only 50 metres away - I'm hunting down its name ... next post! Always wanted to stay there.

BTW, the best flavour on offer at the gelateria (only in my opinion, of course) is nocciola or hazelnut. And you gotta have the 20 Euro big big serve - you'll hate yourself if you go cheap and have anything less.

So armed with all this vital info, your next visit to the eternal city can be the perfect well-rounded experience you've constantly dreamt of!

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Tennis Player Mikhail Youzhny Moonlighting as Porn Star Luis Barra

This is Mikhail Youzhny in his day job - as a Russian tennis star.

And here he is again in his after hours job as a porn star, using the transparently fake pseudonym of 'Luis Bara'.

Now I want you to be quite frank - in which role do you think Mikhail excels?

Maybe a short clip will help sort out the issue?!

Or is all this a cheap and pathetic excuse to be able post more of a man really called Luis Barra?

I'm not sure actually - you can be honest with me! LOL!!!