Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Official Portraits and 'Family' Snags

Jacques has the kind of pristine elegant refined beauty that I associate with a Grace Kelly. Stretching it? Nah!!! Plus an irresistible erotic heightened colouring - it's that strong pink flushing though pale olive skin.

As I was posting, it seemed to me that the 'official' studio portraits of Jacques were a tad lifeless and (then) stiff (LOL) ...

... and that some of the images I'd been snagging from his solo video (including the opening one) brought him more to life ...

So this is a kinda double post.

First 'theirs' ...

Then mine.

So, first some head shots.

Now Jacques's so seductively gorgeous that the fact that he's a bit of a playful poser doesn't seem to matter, well, to me.

Of course, you'll be well aware that these following images are not head shots at all, but I reckon you'll agree they're somehow equally appealing ...

Now the serious business of a bit of tug and jerk, sadly with no proper 'conclusion' ...

My ego is robust, guys, so need to rush to any kind of judgement, 'Comment' or otherwise.

Just enjoy both sets ... and the video.

And I guess after all these images and the video, you won't wanna see a Jacques Briere and Rick Fontana post, will you ... ?


  1. You made my day, mate! :-P

  2. hey anon

    even made my own day!

    glad to are set up for whatever's to come for the rest of the day

    best, nick

  3. good evening ppl. I'm actually into shoes and I was digging allowing for regarding that singular brand. The prices due to the fact that the shoes are about 220 bucks everwhere. But definitively I set this site selling them someone is concerned half price. I really like those [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will definetly purchase them. what do you think?

  4. Bel Ami sure does know how to pick them

  5. such a shame... shaved armpits arent a turnon. but the (w)hole combo was perfect.


  6. hey alan

    they sure do - i'm still drooling into my keyboard

    'chat' later

    best, me or best me

  7. hey ber

    yes, what is it about buff!

    furry pits would make him so much much more erotic (if that's at all possible!)

    cya, nick

  8. HOLY CUH RAP!!!! now that is one HOTTTTT man... I'd love to have the whole set of pix AND the video (hint hint :-)))) please...

    Kentucky USA

  9. hey kevin

    isn't he THE hottest guy on the planet - for today!

    the 'official' set of pics can be downloaded for free at Hotfile:


    i can email you the set i snagged if i have email addy

    i'm uploading the whole video to Hotfile too - will post the URL when it's done

    best, nick

  10. Awww...
    Oops! This link appears to be broken.

    Must rank him up there for charm looks bod...damn another aftershock!

  11. hey guys

    hotfile gave two urls in different parts of the page

    this one works cos i've tried it out:


    just tell me if there are any other problems

    cya, nick

  12. Hey Nick
    Definitely another hot post.
    Always love it when you go all wild like that and take all those snap-shots (probably cause I do that occasionally too - lol)
    Jacques Briere is definitely one hot man!

  13. hey greg

    thanks my man

    i put the URL for the pics in a post and will upload the whole vid a bit later - a jocks down situation, i think!

    cya, nick

  14. Thanks for Jacques Briere, Nick. But I can't download a file I can play with either link. Any suggestions?

  15. hey anon

    the URL after you've put a search in for jacques briere is:


    and the pics are the first entry

    you type in the security code to show you are not a machine and download

    r alternatively i could send what i posted by email

    let me know what you'd like to do

    best nick

  16. Jacques is certainly one hot young guy, full of sexual dynamite. Love the way his sexy thoughts as his erection increases bring a warm flush to his cheeks. He definitely enjoys what he's doing and it's great that he allows us to enjoy his erotic sensuality. No sticky climax to be seen but having a vivid imagination I will make do with my own!

  17. hey DaveyC

    he's really alive with sexual vitality - often teasing and smiling all the while too

    found a teaser with the sticky climax - just have to get a decent slab of the video and i'll be putting it out on the blog!

    cya, nick

  18. Thanks belatedly for your message ("hey anon"), Nick. I'll do what you suggested and see if I can get it to work before asking you for an e-mail.

    I'm not really anonymous, please call me Rob. Thanks!

  19. hey rob

    great to have a name - only 'anon' people when there's no name on a 'comment'

    this is the link with the password added ...


    ... so it should be ready to download

    and please contact me again if you have any difficulty getting it - it's so hot (for me at least) it'd be good to share it round

    best, nick

  20. Nick, I was able to download a file from that link, but I couldn't play it. The file prompted me to play it with VLC -- which I have, and which works with other videos -- but I couldn't play the file with VLC or anything else.

    Anymore advice for the videographically challenged?


  21. hey rob

    i'm really surprised VLC didn't play it - i've had such success with that player - such is life!

    i can split the file in two (it's 330MB) and upload it to Hotfile myself if you like?

    it's so hot - and there are others about you might like on Hotfile:

    Jacques Briere & Juri Tokarev

    Jacques Briere and Ariel

    Jacques Briere, Sascha Chaykin . Kevin Elola

    Alex Orioli and Jacques Briere @Belami

    i can help you locate them if you have difficulty searching there

    be in touch, nick
