Wednesday, 28 July 2010

The Sumptuous Banquet Type

Dicks of course come in all shapes and sizes.

And sometimes what you're after depends on your mood, the phase of the moon ... and of course what's available - let's keep it real here.

But whatever's driving your desire, it would be hard if not impossible to just pass up this sumptuous feast, were it to just happen to wander under your nose.

You may well have guessed to whom this almost 'national treasure' belongs, but if you haven't, and want to see it 'in situ' so to speak ...

Then again, you may not give a damn about the owner and just want get back to the banquet ..

... and who would blame you ... if this were in the menu!


I've uploaded to Hotfile (LINK) a video of Fabio doing a fairly deranged gay bar macho dancer thing - he does go naked about half way through so maybe it's worth a look see, as if?

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