Friday, 5 August 2011

Voting Is A Civic Duty!

We all know that voting is our civic duty - so without further ado ...

 1 Miguel

 2 Vincenzo Ledford

 3 Kyle

 4 Erik Haaz

 5 Roberto

 6 Ota

 7 Lucas

 8 Dusty

 9 Tommy Lima

 10 Roman Prada

So what's the nation's verdict?

My primary vote would be for Miguel (1), with secondary preferences going to Lucas (7) and Roman (10).


  1. I've got to go with Miguel; #1

  2. Vincenzo (2) first for me, then Roberto (5), but really there's so little to choose between them.

  3. Vincenzo, Roberto, Lucas, and Tommy!!!

  4. Hi Nick,

    I've been longing to vote in another of your erection-elections. Thanks so much for this post.

    While the extreme hairiness of Roberto (#5) is a total turn on for me, there's just something about his face I don't like. That said, I have to agree with you and cast my vote for Miguel. He's #1 in my book too.

    Love your blog. Glad to see you're back in full force.


    P.S. I would ditch Miguel in a nano-second for the cutie in the first photo of your small penis post.

  5. Damn - was kinda hard to choose.
    That is until that last guy, Roman Prada.
    Then it was rather easy.
    Love that Roman!

  6. hey rich - good choice - not for no reason did i put him first!

  7. hey sticks

    one solution, in the spirit of community togetherness, would be 'having' both at the same time - it's a thought and the hottest one in my books!

  8. hey ken

    just had a busy time but love blogging and am back on track - glad you hanging in there with us!

    i know what you mean about roberto - this was the best photo - there was one where he looked quite psychotic - though i know at 3am and no other prospects i'd take the risk and take him home

    you are right the real question is Miguel or the blond with the smaller dick ... mmm ... a tough one! need to have a coffee now and think about it!


  9. hey greg

    i've lusted long and longer over roman prada than i care to admit - came across a teaser for a video at belami - hotter and hotter - have you seen the video? i can upload the teaaser to fileserve if you like - i'm after the whole thing of course and reckon i'll be successful - my bloodhound thing for hot hot hot videos!


  10. hey rick

    Vincenzo, Roberto, Lucas, and Tommy are a great choice - i've have pretty uncontrolled lust day and night for lucas ... he's dynamite in videos - have you seen any - have some scorching stuff if you'd like me to upload something to fileserve?

    take care!

  11. My votes go to Miguel and Roman. The former is well hung but Roman has an attractive face and nice eyes. Reminds of that pop quiz: Who would have you have a fling with and who would you marry??!! Ciao, Leon

  12. Number 9! Wow -- Tommy Lima has a lissom body, cute smile and gorgeous package. Wrap him up, I'll take him!

  13. hi leon

    my preference exactly - our same taste would cause great problems between us ... if we weren't so fabulously sharing and big about everything!

    i guess we 'marry' and have a master on the side?


    good to hear from you


  14. hi bob

    tommy lima has only recently come onto my radar --- and in a big way - just got one of his videos - sizzling - as much as anything it's his hot hot hot trail and six pack + being latin + having the most delicious dick + + + i could go on! as we all could!

    cheers, nick
