Saturday, 21 April 2012

VNE - Voting in The New Era

Ok, enough of Cléopatre de Mérode and those dusty C19 French music halls and down to the proper business of blog voting.

The candidates for your perusal today are:

 1 Michael Crowe - Classic All-American Beauty

 2 Arik - Erotic Slav with the Hot Hot Knob

 3 Nicco Skye - Foxy Latin

 4 Scott Woodman - Boy Next Door

 5 Leon Falla - Classic Latin Model Beauty

6  Jeremy East - THE Most Sumptuous Balls on the Planet!

 7 Mason Star - New Young Sleeze on the Block

 8 Hawk McAllistar - Guy Next Door

 9 Dirk Jager - Muscles, Haity and a Tad Rougher

10 Nick Youngquest

It's over you to, guys to deliver your verdict, which I'm sure you'll do in erudite comments peppered with witticisms, clever retorts, doubles entendres and the like!


  1. I have to go with Jeremy East (West, North) and I'll go south on him.

    1. hey rich

      being the first voter, i reckon yours should count for more than one, don't you?

      yep, about jeremy, it's hard to go past a pair of oscar-winning nuts like that, very hard(-making) indeed

      so i'm with you on journeys of a southerly kind!


  2. Mason Star has it all and then some though I would like to see more of the vintage dude.

  3. hi alan

    Mason Star puts me right in my most slutty and adventurous mood - though not hard to do you might say

    guess vintage voting's got to be one coming up then?

    how's it going? looking for you round FB - ships in the night i guess.

    hope things are ok

    very very best

  4. Michael Crowe for sure. Number 10 is Nick Youngquest, an Australian football player.

  5. hey a501man

    yep, michael crowe has it all and then a bit more

    thanks for the ID of Nick Youngquest - shame on me being an aussie and not knowing! and a 'nick' to boot!

  6. No.5, does it for me, does quite a lot for me, especially that second pic, with those slutty, come over here eyes. I'd be there, if only.

  7. hey juicer

    leon fall (#5) is the perfect man - done a ton of posts on him - a real briefs down hands on situation - and in another life he'll be my fuck buddy.

  8. Michael Crowe but so much nicer when he still has his hairy chest and the treasure trail.

  9. hey anon

    yep, it can all be in the treasure trail - or a great added bonus if the rest is hot

    pity he shaved it off - a mania with athletes and gym people i'm afraid


  10. Number 1 -- though 8 gives him a run for his money!

    Haven't checked your blog in a while -- DELIGHTED that you are posting again more regularly! Thanks!

  11. hey bob

    yes, Michael Crowe has a perfection that is undeniable

    and i have a soft spot, well, not that soft, for Hawk McAllistar - you can imagine having a post coital dinner with him and some pleasant conversation

    good to be back - i think after five years i needed a break - and after a few fitful come-backs i seem to be in the real swing again. glad you checked in again!


  12. Hawk Mcalister - every time :-)

  13. Hawk Mcalister - every time :-)

  14. hey david,

    yeah, Hawk McAllistar seems like the kind of real guy you might actually meet - rather than some over-enamelled and perfectly gym toned unapproachable 'god'.
