Wednesday 13 December 2006

Gary Larson - Seriously Off-Beat Cartoonist

I was living in Beijing for the whole year of 1988 - just before the Tiananmen Square Massacre, when there was still a sense of 'opening-up' and people would stop Westerners in the street to talk, practise English, and gain a sense of the world outside the Middle Kingdom (中国) or China. Cos there was very little unofficial stuff on TV or in magazines or anywhere about the wider world.

I had an enormous old-style flat in the Friendship Hotel ('Yoyi Binguan')', in the Haidian district, north-east of the CBD. This gigantic complex was built in 1954 in a Russian style.

Anyway, one night an American friend gave me a pile of 'The Far Side' magazines, and so introduced me to Gary Larson, cartoonist extraordinaire:

One of the first cartoons I remember was this one - it got me really howling, and this didn't stop till I turned the last page in the last collection.
What I loved about this cartoon is the wild off-beat humour, quite wonderfully weird and unexpected.

Okay, here's a selection. Enjoy!

Well, how did you go? On a scale of 1-10, how hard did you howl? If you didn't manage even a decibel, you are in big big trouble, and in need of help. Though I suspect your condition is terminal!!!

Okay, you have one more chance, with this non-Larson effort:

Well ... ??? Did the gay content help? No! Dismiss yourself immediately!


  1. Heeheheh I've always loved Larson.

  2. always loved him...truly great and so much my brand of humor. thanks for reminding me

  3. Love LArsons twisted sense of close to my own

  4. hi guys! i got a lot of the cartoons from googling him - saves u buying (paul).

  5. The hibernating one has always been my favourite.
