Monday, 18 December 2006

My New Handy Fetish

I kept looking at this photo and wondering what the fuck made it so hot for me.

Yep, the dick is good, but it wasn't that. Tho, now I think about it, love the skin half over the nobby head ... . And the way it curves down. And it's thickness. Not quite Kurt Stephano, but ... . Getting off track!

Good thick bush and hot furry mini-trail round the belly button, but it wasn't these. The fleshy bod? Nope. (Pecs a bit saggy, if we are being picky!)

And then it came to me - the HANDS ! I had unknowingly developed a new fetish.

And then got a bit (actually, very) smug about the great advantages of having developed this particular obsession.

Just think about it. You can satisfy this fetish absolutely everywhere and anytime. Hands are on open display - day and night, and in every office, bus, supermarket, bar, gym, restaurent, bookshop, manicurist's waiting room, ... . From perving, you can go to fantasizing - mine start with feeling their hot dry muscular fleshiness on my arse. And then to more intimate (still public) things, such as hand-holding.

Now this particular oscar-winning pair has all the primary hot features: they are broad and muscular, with thick fingers - not too long (counter-intuitive feature here!). And turn-on of turn-ons, the curved-back thumb. Why this is sexy, I just can't figure, but it is. Only for me? Reflect a minute.

So beware all friends - you know who I mean! Wearing gloves in summer will mean you have read this post. And don't find me attractive. And this kinda 'rejection' could adverse effects on our friendship.


  1. The guys you`re posting are soooo cute. The only problem is they`re gay and I`m a girl. Why are the cute guys always gay?? Ok, maybe I`m wrong, but it really seems that way.

  2. I completely agree with you about this picture. The guy is very sexy and I also found myself wondering what exactly I liked about him.

    Love to see more if anyone has some... Yum!
