Monday, 11 December 2006

Kissing - A Gentle Art or Upper Persuasion for Lower Invasion?

Remember when you heard kissing described as 'upper persuasion for lower invasion'? Your smirk (either at the time or now!) conforms the essential truth of this pithy one-liner!

Now, and without other evidence, look at these three photos, and consider which guys are just having a hot romantic encounter (maybe!), and which are definitely heading for the hard meat injection situation:

The correct answers are of course: the blokes in the first and third are doing romance, but those in the second are humping-bound. Clue in the second - one guy has almost jumped the other, while the pashing is still going on! A very sure sign!!!

Now you've got the idea, let's try some more tests. What are the clues in these groups of photographs that tell you these guys are ready for more than lip-to-lip action?

Bet you guessed it - the rock-hard boners! Just try to stop a hard-on completing it's proper job!

These next three are a bit more difficult - but see how you go:

Yep, it's the hand-on-cock clue, with a double-dick grab variation in the last one.

Now what about this one:

Could it be the finger in the butt hole? A close-up of this type of clue, in case you weren't sure just quite how it worked! And wanted to use it in future ... like, tonight!

Okay, rolling along, how bout these next two?

Yep, it's the dick placement - it's my personal opinion that the dick-in-crack is the most effective clue. The second one has the double hint: jumping and placement.

The final test:

Ok, so that was a trick question! When there is cum every(fucking)where, no-one is heading towards any kind of action ... well, for the next ten minutes at least !


  1. hahahaha

    your interpretations and imagination is both lateral and endlessly entertaining!

    Proud to be a reader of your blog!

  2. Love your interpretation of lovely events...

    ... for want of a better word...'lateral'

    oh yes, a better word would be 'crazy', and I love it!
