Tuesday, 19 December 2006

Porn in Medieval Illuminated Manuscript Painting

You usually associated medieval illuminated painting with the conventional religious subjects. The photos below are over a megabit each, so if you click on them, and click again to enlarge them, you get a sense of their extraordinary beauty and observed detail:

Les Belles Heures du Duc de Berry, ca. 1406-1408/9

Spitz-meester, De Kruisdraging, blad uit het Spitz-getijdenboek, Frankrijk circa 1420. Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, Ms. 57, fol. 172v

This kind of painting is a bit less (usually) concerned with scenes of courtly life and ordinary daily activity, such as in the illuminations in 'Les tres riches heures du Duc de Berry' 1406-1408/9. Those in the second category give a real sense of the every day in the Middle Ages.

With Mardi Gras coming up in Sydney in February, this hood-maker's shop caught my eye:

But there is also a surprising amount of sexual stuff. As Elise Boneau says ('Obscenity out of the Margins - Mysterious Imagery within "Les Cents Nouvelles Nouvelles" ') 'one can find explicit erotic imagery ... stimulated by the proliferation of secular products [manuscripts] commissoned by laymen'.

So lots of hot medieval bedroom action:

and clothes and flashing (however minimal - no risk of getting off on this one!):

and even rimming - the hat with the cross suggested priests got down and dirty (criticism or envy?):

And in sculpture (tho public patronage), big cock groping:

and self-suck:

Now, if these are not deeply satisfying images, how bout these modern equivalents?

The hot modern bedroom action:

Clothed and flashing:



Love the medieval stuff but I must say, thank god for the digital camera!


  1. Great post! I especially loved the sculptures and the rimming photos!

  2. love to see hot rimming and butthole lickers...a musky hole makes me salivate too...more rim shots please
