Sunday, 10 June 2007

'Construction' Workers

Construction workers (as if this guy is one!) don't usually get me in. Much.

But this guy does - big time:

Think it's the sweat bod. And the dark hairiness.

In fact I know damn well it's that!


  1. I agree with you, there is something very hot and so wonderful about this model. Even though these pictures have been around a while, they are wonderful fantasy shots of what we love in construction workers.

    Thanks for sharing these with us.

  2. This guy is so fucking sexy.

  3. FUCKING HELL! I've just regained a new faith in blokey men. This guy is heaven sent. Ouch.

  4. I could lick that all over for days!

  5. One of the reasons that this series of pix works for me is the degree of vermisilitude - such as the fact that he's wearing dirty shorts, not a pristine pair. well, that and the dick, the sweat and the body hair...
