Saturday, 15 December 2007

The Elusive True Fox

I like the good-looking-to-hot boy-next-door type well enough. As a boyfriend, lover, partner ... . But late at night, my thoughts often turn to another type of guy - the real fox.

The first true fox I ever spotted was my ex-boyfriend's sister's fuck buddy - Martin.

This morning, for whatever reasons, I began to wonder what it was that made a guy a fox. A number of adjectives come to mind: erotic, detached, strong, slightly cranky, intense, blokey, possibly awkward but supremely confident, a bit dangerous, and independent. None of these traits are put on in any way - they're just there, inevitably. Even if he's posing in a photograph.

He's not necessarily classically good-looking but totally erotic. He doesn't smile much but can burst into a huge sexy grin! He seems to have sex on his mind at all times. It's just about to overwhelm him. But he doesn't care if you want him or not.

Have I caught the idea of the fox in words? Of course not. I haven't a fucking clue how to describe one. I only know when I'm in the presence of a fox. Or my version of what one is!


  1. #4 is my absolutely fav fox - we have similar taste in this!

  2. OMG...look at the fuzzy butt on that one! I think I've died and gone to Heaven!
