Friday, 16 May 2008

The Only Justification for Digital Manipulation

You know when you've collected untold squillions of photos of the total living god - and you've searched and googled yourself half to death looking for that one (even tiny) nude shot - unsuccessfully!

And then (every now and again) a great digital enhancer comes to your rescue!

So you can imagine my intense excitement when one digital magician turned this all-time favorite image ...

... into this!

Now it's not absolutely convincing - no-one's pretending that - but it's not half bad - and particularly when absolutely no other option is available.

This transformation of the indisputably perfect Tyler Bachtel from ...

... to ...

... is even less convincing but ... the same logic!

Though I do wonder what Tyler's hand is supposed to be up to in the first photo - I really can't begin to imagine - and I do have a fair amount of creative imagination!

Any ideas?


  1. I'm going to be a complete wet blanket and say he's holding the other corner of his jeans to pull them open.
    Which, with the way his other hand is pulling down the back of his pants, makes the photo even more of a tease. The next frame *must* be out there somewhere.

  2. lol - its those darn hands that get into the way of making both of those pics believable!

  3. hey drek. i'm sure you are right bout what he is doing with his hands - not a wet blanket just bring some small bit of reality to the post! it's just that the fingers looked awkwardly formed like in a renaissance painting that has been badly restored, like mona lisa's right hand. take care. nick

  4. hey greg, yeah, not quite real enough to satisfy, well, completely. and a 'penis gigantus' is always suspect! take care. nick

  5. intereting. Thanks for teaching me something ew.

  6. hey ray, i think i taught myself something new too! take care. nick

  7. Oh, that Mr. IAmTheHottestThingThisUniverseHasEverSeenStillNoFukinBloggerHasSeenMyCock he's really making us wonder ain't he? Nice try, however, more in the league of Robbin Williams Naked Subscribe Now For Major Discount dot com type of art
    PS He is really hot, isn't he - could you handle him you think?
