Sunday, 4 May 2008

Prince Charming - aka S.A.R le Prince Louis-Alphonse de Bourbon, duc d'Anjou (1974-?)

Don Luis Alphonso Gonzalo Victor Manuel Marco de Bourbon et de Martinez-Bordin, known affectionately to his friends as S.A.R le Prince Louis-Alphonse de Bourbon, duc d'Anjou, would like to be King Louis XX of France.

His claim to the French throne is based on descent from Louis IX or St Louis (1215-1270) of France ...

... and Henri IV (1553-1610) of France ...

... and the fabled Louis XIV (1638-1715), the Sun King (Le roi de Soleil) ...

... and the Holy Roman Emperor, Philip V (1683-1746) of Spain, duc d'Anjou ...

... and Charles X of France (1757-1836) ...

... who abdicated in favour of the 'bourgeois' King Louis-Philippe (1773-1850) in 1830 ...

Louis-Alfonse or Luis-Alphonso also is a great-grandson of King Alphonse XIII of Spain (1888-1941) ...

... and currently claims the greatest legitimacy to the French 'throne', being descended from the last 'real' king of the 'ancient regime', Charles X.

But what really caught my
imagination, when I saw the news item about Louis-Alphonse (or Luis-Alphonso) on TV yesterday, was how closely he equated to my idea of a Prince Charming, and a pretty hot one at that!

What's your considered view?


  1. Don't know about his nobility, and think in today's age, a "king" is just plain absurd, but - he sure does look like one hell of a prince!!

  2. hey greg. my thoughts exactly. what caught my attention was that he was so damn handsome, in an erotic latino way.

  3. I would like to write in english but ...too much errors.
    Also, in French
    Don Luis Alphonso Gonzalo Victor Manuel Marco de Bourbon et de Martinez-Bordin, known affectionately to his friends as S.A.R le Prince Louis-Alphonse de Bourbon, duc d'Anjou, would like to be King Louis XX of France"

    Don Luis Alfonso Gonzalo de Borbon y Martinez-Bordiu est le fils de SAR le duc de Cadix, petit-cousin de Juan Carlos Ier , roi d'Espagne, et de Carmen Martinez-Bordiu, petite-fille du caudillo- général Franco.

    Il est aujourd'hui l'aîné de la Maison de Bourbon. Il descend bien de St Louis, d'Henri IV, de Louis XIV et de Philippe V, petit-fils de Louis XIV, duc d'Anjou, roi d'Espagne.

    Il ne peut descendre en aucun cas de Charles X, frère cadet de Louis XVI, connu avant la Révolution française sous le nom de comte d'Artois.
    Charles X est le petit-fils de Louis XV, lui-même arrière-petit-fils de Louis XIV. Il a abdiqué en 1830 en faveur de son petit-fils le comte de Chambord, appellé Henri V, qui n' a jamais régné. Le comte de Chambord a transmis ses droits à la couronne de France à Mgr le Comte de Paris, Duc de France, descendant actuel de Louis-Philippe Ier, duc d'Orléans,roi des Français en 1830. Les Bourbons-Orléans descendent du frère cadet de Louis XIV , Philippe d'Orléans, un des grands princes homosexuels de l'histoire.

    Bravo pour votre site, je me réjouis


  4. hey anon, thanks a lot for your comment - i've sent a longer reply to your email address. good to hear from you! be in touch. take care. nick
