Saturday, 31 January 2009

Mini Post of Maxi Kurt Diesel

As you know guys, I'm not a size queen ... well, okay, there might be the occasional exception! And in fact this could be one, depending on your definition of big - none of those nasty nasty comments - please! LOL!!!

I would reckon Kurt here has gotta been waiting all his whole life just to whack it out!

And who would blame him looking so damned pleased with himself!

Though, with his 'gift', why he he bothers to thrown his legs up in the air and flash his crack around invitingly is way beyond me ...

... unless it means Kurt means no serious and active business with his 'gift'! :0!!!

Well, I suppose sucking would still be on the menu. Though I'm not sure my mouth is that big. Guys, this is the place you don't make those nasty nasty comment!!! LOL

Well, sitting down and staring at it would be left - and that wouldn't be half bad!

Now this is plain showing off - it just couldn't be so heavy that Kurt needs to rest it on a chair in the middle of the shoot. Could it?

We all know that a post of this kind wouldn't possibly be complete without a close-up of IT.

Though ... actually ... Kurt's 'gift' has a strange and disturbing resemblance with the results of some of my mother's better efforts at plucking chickens!

And BTW, this post is really courtesy of Alan in Florida. So thanks my friend!

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Sure-Fire Recognition

Most people reckon they remember the facial features of those they're familiar with.

Okay, let's check out this hypothesis.

Now, incredibly, I managed to get a photo your boss!

Can you pick him/her out from the following?









So which image did you pick?

Actually, I lied - it's a photograph of someone I met ... quite casually in fact!
Humanity's Most Shining Achievement

Undertake this ingenious set of calculations:

(A)     Pick you favourite number between 1 and 9

(B)     Multiply it by 3

(C)     Add 3 and multiply by 3 again

(D)     Add the digits of the resulting number  together

Now, using this final number, check the list below to see what you have judged to be the most important achievement of humanity in the last 5000 years:

(1)     The discovery that the world is not flat 

(2)     Michelangelo's painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

(3)     The landing of a man on the moon

(4)     The birth of your current partner

(5)     The formulation of the innoculation for the flu
(6)     E  =  M C 

(7)     The building of the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza

(8)     The invention of plastic

(9)     The blog 'Cute Hairy Blond Guys & the Organ between my Ears'

(1o)    The construction of the decimal number system

Oh, you're such flatterers!

I'm blushing!

But then you're right ... of course!
Zach Randall - In 'Dignified' Mode!

These dignified (almost art) images of Zach have been posted all over the internet - but cos of our 'devotion' to him, I thought I'd post at least a small selection of the best here.

Dignified is an odd mode for this self-proclaimed slut.

Who is usually being buggered senseless and graphically ...

... or pissing all over someone ...

... or the reverse ...

... or 'golden showering' over himself ...

Enough of this!

And let's get back to the rest of the 'official photo' shoot ...

... if we have to!

Do we?

Just as a matter of record, which 'Zach' do you prefer?

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

International Modeling and ... Toilet Paper Kung Fu!

Too much time in the glossy and buffed world of international fashion modeling can drive you stir-crazy - and lead either to the rebellion of a semi-hard-on (above) OR to a toilet paper kung fu situation (below and

Just happy to record the mayhem!

Monday, 26 January 2009

News Flash 4 - We Finally Have Unload with Milan Gamiani!

Thanks to a very kind cyber friend, I managed to get some software to split that hot and gritty Milan Gamini video - it's uploaded now at

So pants down .. jocks off ... get out the lube ... and ... go for it!

And then give me a mark out of ten for the post!

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Khan El Khalili Souk, Cairo - One of the Most Magical Places on Earth

Pascal Sebah (1823-1886) - Photograph of Khan el Khalili, Cairo (c1880)

You're probably aware by now that I'm dead crazy about Egypt and take any excuse to post about it. With Khan El Khalili being a particular obsession - on my second visit I literally jumped off the bus and rushed into the souk!

The market was established as a caravanserai by Emir Djaharks el-Khanili in 1382 - خان being khan in Arabic.

And it's still a veritable Aladdin's cave of 'treasures' - a riot of colours and textures ...

... where all the senses are challenged, with the olfactory being firstly and almost over-poweringly but sensuously assaulted in the spice markets ...

... and then in the perfume quarter ...

... where your nose is taken in a half-nelson by the pungent aromas thickly emanating from sacks of rose petals, cinnamon, frankincense and all manner of flowers and unguents ...

Here, you can even have your own fragrance concocted ... and then of course recorded in a suitably dusty old book for future purchases.

There are a couple of eyebrow-raising stops ...

... on your way to lunch at the worthily world-famous Felfela Restaurant (familiar?) ...

... followed of course by coffee or mint tea or a cool sherbet drink at the equally famed El Fishawy Cafe ...

After which it's just a short walk to the 1648 merchant's house of Bayt Al-Suhaymi.

Okay okay okay!!! So I've contrived an excuse for another post - sue me (LOL)!

Honestly, if you ever just happen to be in Cairo and have nothing to do (!!!), you'd be certifiably mad if you didn't spent time in Khan El Khalili and at the Bayt Al-Suhaymi house!