Wednesday, 28 January 2009

International Modeling and ... Toilet Paper Kung Fu!

Too much time in the glossy and buffed world of international fashion modeling can drive you stir-crazy - and lead either to the rebellion of a semi-hard-on (above) OR to a toilet paper kung fu situation (below and

Just happy to record the mayhem!


  1. Alone in a hotel room with a woman and a videocam and that's the best he can come up with?

    Alan down in Florida

  2. hey alan

    my thought exactly - but then i reflected on how we are so often seduced into believing that these glamorous creatures would actually lead the lives portrayed in their ad's - a smoke and mirrors situation!

    and doesn't he realized that a million squillion queens could offer much better 'accommodation'!

  3. hey alan again

    what struck me was the gap between the self-possessed supermodel and the goofy kid showing off in such a juvenile way for his girlfriend - and how she forces a laugh hoping to please him

    another illusion shattered!

  4. I'd do about anything to please him too, Nick. Of course its always amazing what people will post on YouTube (and xtube and the others) site.

  5. hey greg

    you and me are together on this one!

    hate to think how low we'd go!

    as low as it takes?

