Tuesday, 10 February 2009

The Big Boy in Action - Kristof/Whoever Does It With ... Seriously, Does Anyone Care!

'Action' might be too strong a term ... or promise too much - it's just a series of (a tad grainy) stills from a movie. But I reckon you'd rather have them than not! I used the 'do they get me hard' criteria in this post-or-not-post decision! Check your own crotches at the end!

But one 'hot hunky thick juicy slab of meat' would not be an exaggeration for this ...

And I assure you this is exactly what I'd be doing ... in the presence of such a slab ...

... and I'd hope it would encourage Kristof to do this ...

... cos if it did, I'd certainly give him a kiss ...

... and say to him 'Well, that's nice' (the failed banker friend in 'Notting Hill')!


  1. The other guy is Ion Davidov! How come you don't know him?! :P

  2. You can always spot a BelAmi photo by the use of colored linens.

    Would love to be there in the middle downhill skiing.

    Alan down in Florida

  3. hey alan

    i think belami must have a special deal going with that company!

    and apres ski, get that creamy colored lollie ---- right down my throat - it's so fat and juicy ... i can't stop looking at it

    perhaps i should make myself a cup of coffee and try a cross-word puzzle!

  4. hey greg

    reckon i'm taking a contract out on TOG (that other guy) - arse-hole stealing our BF!

    that dick is a work of art! really!

  5. hey Syntony

    thanks for the name of the other guy! off to do some googling - my tirade against him was obviously jealosy!

  6. hey josh

    the other guy (someone identified in a comment - so you can search him out!) is totally hot - i'm a furry legs and balls kinda lover too - how can people look at anything else!

    i reckon cocks like that are best for looking and sucking - unless you have amazing relaxing skills! itho i wonder if practise makes perfect?

    and if you were begged ... could you say no to the big boy? fraid i'd have to give it a try - just to be polite! or a slut!

    do it for simba! LOL

  7. What's the name of this movie?

  8. hey val

    don't know - all i know is it's a belami video - from their name on the stills

  9. Guy #2 is not Ion Davidov.
