Tuesday, 24 February 2009

The Well-Mannered Dick


Imagine that, before you launched out into the world each day, you absolutely had to groom your dick - along with all that other manicuring and enameling you do (I am all-seeing!).

What would you do to ensure it was 'in good order' and would enhance the real you?

You could consider enhancing your bush with a full wig ...



... or not, as you like ...


Make-up of course would be an option ...


... and accessories can be good - like 'earrings', glasses, and whatever - here, you are only limited by your imagination ...


Proto-clothing can also add a certain something ...


Smoking used to be cool ...


... but perhaps not so ideologically sound these days, though if you are trying to make some kind of a statement ... .

Or you could come up with a whole new look.

But I've given you a large range of options - any of these especially do it for your dick? And seem 'right' for you?


  1. One Who Lived To Regret It.24 February 2009 at 14:22

    I swear to you, I am neither racially bigotted nor religiously intolerant... but they all sort of look... Jewish.


    Oh, gods, I'm so sorry. Really. Gods they're all cute but they all have such... big noses!

    They kind of remind me of Woody Allan too...

  2. Some people clearly have too much time on their hands.

    Alan down in Florida

  3. LMAO !!!!
    Where did you get those pics, Nick?????

  4. hey greg

    either a friend sent them to me - or i did them myself - you choose - LOL

    PS what's LMAO? i'm dumbed out on this one

  5. One Who Lived To Regret It.25 February 2009 at 17:15

    I thought I sent a comment to this...was I censored?

  6. Nick Nick Nick.... LMAO is Laughing My Ass Off.
    They had a funny little video about the hazards of LMAO on YouTube by the way.

  7. hey josh

    i never (and i mean never) censor comments. i sometimes get a number in one single notification for a post from blogger - and occasionally miss one of two in the answering and posting of my replies. bad secretarial skills!

    you are one of the people whose comments I most look forward to – and I am acutely aware and grateful for the energy you and your friend put into your remarks on my old photos

    so i grovellingly apologies – I am on my knees now (metaphorically speaking), head down … .

    there is a solution – blogger, as well as sending me a notification for comments, simultaneously records it on their dashboard for all the blogs I have with them.

    I’ve been there and - shame-faced - found your missing comments – and well as two from alan in florida

    I’ll respond to them after lunch – particularly the one on first and second dates

    big big apology-seeking hugs!


  8. One Who Lived To Regret It.26 February 2009 at 07:05

    LMAO=laughing my ass off
    ROFLMAO=Rolling on floor laughing my ass off
    TFFFCTV=too fucking funny for color TV
    FFS= For fuck's sake

    ...and numerous others. One of the reasons I text message very little. It's like learning a second language.

    This professor is always late. I could tolerate it better if his lectures were worth hearing, but he's in that coasting-towards-retirement mode...

    Thanks for the clarification of the missing comments!

  9. LMAO is half of what I had to define for you the other day ROFLMAO. The LMAO is Laughing my ass off. The ROF is Rolling on Floor.

    Alan down in Florida

  10. hey greg

    josh has just given me the skinny on post acronyms

    where have i been!

    a bit more up to speed now - thanks!


  11. These are the boys out of the Tsubi (now Ksubi) design room.... it was advertising their sunglasses range a few years back..... they all pitched in for the shoot!

  12. hey patient man

    kewl to know!


