Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Carter Scott, Lots of Oink and the Topping Gene

Every now and then (or all the time) you want to get your hands on that lazy sensual voluptuary - the one who, by his very fleshy firm porkiness alone, turns on your topping gene, big big time. There's something in Carter's unrelenting pigginess that just makes we wanna flip him over and get to work.

He's the kinda guy you don't have to be politically correct with - and take those agonizing 4 hours and twenty-three and a half minutes of ever-so-gentle prodding and poking (and plain begging) ... just to get the tiniest bit of the head of ya dick in.

One who, after he's given you the I'm-up-for-it-right-now look, ...

... will give a sneak preview of every angle shown in the main event ...

... and then (after a sexily short five minutes and thirty-four second romp around the crimson couch) will produce the absolute ATM of entry points!

Actually, having said all that blah bout no malingering, I prefer a slow (3.5 sec) step-by-step revealing ... of the Holy Grail ...

What follows next will make the gods weep - with unrestrained envy!


  1. Where do I contact his pimp?

    Alan down in Florida

  2. Hi Nick,

    Very nice indees. Tiny nipples, normal size beautifully cut cock and quite the fine crack in back.

    Send him right over, would ya?


  3. This guy is SMOKIN' HOTTT. Thanks...

  4. hey alan

    I am his pimp!

    just email me with a formal request and i'll squeeze you in ... to him!

    take care


  5. hey ken

    he's on his way to you right now - a little (very) the worse from wear - think i rode him too hard and long and ragged and ... well, you know me!

    if you revive him a bit he should be up for a few more days rooting!


  6. hey kevin

    smokin blazin ragin ... i've run out of adjectives!


  7. LOve everything about him, but what really turns me onto him is those juicy balls!

  8. hey greg

    yeah, one of his best features - that big loose floppy sac!

    i know it'd be in mouth in a heart beat.
