Monday, 2 October 2006

John Andresen - Photographer

Just found another photographer whose work I like - John Andresen. Not a cock in sight but then we are above such things! Well, I am, don't know about you guys!!!

Beautiful clear unfussy sculpturally-oriented photos - when a photographer is producing 'art', s/he can be overcum by the seriousness of this pursuit. And this can lead to a loss of the erotic. Or maybe these pics are sex dressed up as art and I'm being drawn in! What do you think?

Anyway, here's a selection from his site. The first group of six are of Jan, a Norwegian model. And the last five, dance pics - just to prove my theory of me being interested in the art and you in the sex!!!


  1. Wow! thanks for the link to John Andresen - I love this guy's work. There is plenty of chance to see cock elsewhere - this guy works well within the parameters he has set himself. But I wonder just how difficult it is - to work so extensively yet NEVER show a willy, even flacid.

    Anyhow, I did a double take when I saw Konstantin:

    He could be the double of my ex-boyf (except the ex-boyf has now lost all his hair and doubled in weight).

    Norwegians (who ski) and Netherlanders (who cycle) and dancers (who dance, natch) nearly always seem to have such lovely hindquarters and he has captured them beautifully.

    Painting hair, hands and feet is challenging and, historically, lots of artists have avoided it at all costs. Would you agree that some photographers seem to have adopted this inhibition too? Or maybe, culturally, they are not seen as beautiful parts of a man's body (particularly hair, within gay culture).

    Anyway, John Andresen doesn't appear inhibited or seem afraid to capture them.

    Thanks again ...

  2. hi, i came across andresen's work by chance, as i guess we do over much of the stuff we find on the web.

    u r right, and painters say hands and feet are notoriously difficult to do - i remember the first time i thought about this - it was the totally unconvincing re-painting of the mona lisa's hands by an early artist/restorer. and then i noticed their painting a lot.

    i think u have a really interestiung point about photograhers - if the photographer is 'arranging' his/her model, it might be cos it's difficult to pose them in a way that's natural and not contrived. what do u think?

    my first degree was in fine art and there was a practical component to this course - to give u a sense of carrying out various techniques - tempera panel painting, wall fresco painting, etching, etc. and hands and other body parts were very tricky - i didn't attempt the cock out of modesty - such a whimp!!!

    i liked andresen's having black and white, and then colour photos, of the same model.

    colour more tempts me to see the pic as porn where black and white seems to lead me to think about things other than the hotness of the guy. i wonder if andresen does both for this reason. what do u think?

    anyway, thanks for your comments! be in touch, i hope. nick
