Saturday, 28 October 2006

Ultimate Zen Journey - The Snail Trail (and The Bush)

The trail can be everything (almost - don't wanna get too carried away here!). Even though it's just the sign-post to the Promised Land. Just the wine in the Holy Grail. Just ... well, you get the picture. ...But it's the pedestal, essential to present the object of desire. Imagine the Portland Vase sitting on the ground. It won't play.

This first one is a modest and well-mannered trail (ack. Bach) ... but scorching and mind-numbingly hot. Who cares about his Mister Willy-Bonker?

And another trail in the same pyrotechnique league:

Now I am also a fan of the trail-less bush. This can work. I think the key is: dark, dense, compact and very very thick:

Confession time - the second one is my very first bush photo. Of course, I feel a bit shy sharing this with you - it seems so intimate and special! LOL

Of course, the bush can be beautifully supported by a minimal even diffuse trail (role reversal stuff here!), especially if it's an olympic gold medal winning bush:

Now, compare all these hair-suit (joke - can spell) nirvanas with the mangy flea-bitten carpet of an effort below - no contest. At all. Mmmmm - but then again, taking a second look at this near-hairless crotch ... ! That's one hot piece of meat - fuck the trail! Or lack there of.

As I just said, manicuring can be excessive, but it can also be good:

A final note (and the ultimate justification) - a trail can be a stand-alone:


  1. I'm into some bush and trail. Personally, I think it is only the model type with the flatest lower abs and perfect dick that can get away with the totally smooth look. While that's great to look at, I am rarely, if ever, going to get my hands on such a bod, so for me, the manicured look gets me going.

  2. I'm into some bush and trail. Personally, I think it is only the model type with the flatest lower abs and perfect dick that can get away with the totally smooth look. While that's great to look at, I am rarely, if ever, going to get my hands on such a bod, so for me, the manicured look gets me going.

  3. I'm into some bush and trail. Personally, I think it is only the model type with the flatest lower abs and perfect dick that can get away with the totally smooth look. While that's great to look at, I am rarely, if ever, going to get my hands on such a bod, so for me, the manicured look gets me going.

  4. hi ian, u r right about who does the totally smooth well. and much of the rest depends very much on the bod and bush/and trail in question. just not so keen on the plucked chicken look - can be spotty and too raw looking. chat again

  5. which picture was you Alex?????

    btw, I really love the last picture in this set.....

  6. hey paul - tempted to put mine in, now u mention it. maybe soon - how bout u? yeah the last pic is hot - found a site with lots of him in it. just contact me again if u would like me to send some to u. cya. nick

  7. I love to see a man's hairy crotch! after all, physically that is what separates the men from the boys right? There seems to be a significant amount of men who feel the same so then why isn't this "shave fad" on the decline? For me, it's an absolute turn-off, can't even pretend to like a shaved guy.. I send them on their way.... that is why I'm under-laid and overbitchy...

  8. i agree - why settle for less! and when you get a hairy crotch, erotic eureka! don't they say, 'it's the hairy crotches john west rejects ... ."

  9. Delicious sexy bushes and trails, love them all.

  10. hey juicer

    and this zen journey has such a happy destination!

    reckon bushes and trails are very under-rated - they're a bit like disnyland's future world - 'a promise of things to cum'!
