Saturday, 16 February 2008

Dolph Lambert - Reprise of a Blond Bombshell

This guy is as near perfection as I can imagine. The word 'flawless' immediately comes to mind. Though this is not necessarily to say that he's the sexiest bloke about, curiously enough.

I wonder if he's from here cos Aussie Bum is a local brand of jocks. I'll tell you if I see him about so you can rush off and buy your one-way (Wherever-you-live)-Sydney plane ticket. But by the time you arrive, I'll have him locked in the cellar ... !

Look guys, I'm a bit speechless - so I think I'll let the photos do the rest of the yakking!

Is there anything here not to like!


  1. Nick, I feel so ashamed (OK, not a truthful statement at present as it's still only noon time here). I was trying to help with your early morning owl spotting, I swear I was (Athena, being my best guess, but I only found it as 'Athene' and I wasn't awfully sure) but then you had to do it again, didn't you? And sure enough - no bits of HimTherePosted that are unlikeable. 'Edible' is the word that actually comes to mind, and it has given me such a huge ..erm.. pleasure ;-P
    Your blog rocks? That doesn't come anywhere near the truth! Your blog achieves the impossible of catering to all people of taste in quite different areas. You being one of them helps. It's crucial, truly. You just made my Sunday (again) and I hope it's still Sunday there. Oh yes, I have checked. You're about 12 hours ahead of me if it's Summer there. And it is!

    Thanks, thrilled, delighted, aroused, greedy, (for)ever in your debt

  2. Oh my Lawd!
    Nothing about that guy is unlikeable!
    Except for the fact that he's not mine! lol
    What a body on that guy!
    Great suckable balls and cock too.

    Loved that next to last pic of him the most. Great pose.

  3. hey greg, yep, my fave too - i've added it to the bottom of my blog page. in the big format!

  4. hey antipodeanpt. yep, dolph is the ultimate red herring - he has caused wars and other catastrophies as well as lapses between friends - and we all know that legally he has immunity - due to his great good looks. owls seem a long way off, with dolph so close (but so far! - tho cos his jocks are aussie, i greedily hold out hope for myself). athene is my best guess - the pic i took is poor so not much to go on. nice to think we were visited by the greek in touch, my friend.

  5. something about his cock really gets me...oh, the eye journey to get there.
    seriously, i would like to see him a bit more roughed up and natural...less posed...although maybe thats the way he is.

    as for the aussiebums...there are better models for just bought my bf some, i cant wait to watch him try em on, one after the other...

  6. Sorry mate, he from Eupe, Moravia, here is his profile:

    Dolph Lambert
    Dolph comes from a small town in Moravia. This 20 years old student of a technical university likes computers and music, hip hop in particular. He plays electric guitar himself. To stay fit he goes to a gym on regular basis. Since he's not a big fan of team sports, his other favorite sport is running. If you'd like to please Dolph, take him to an Italian restaurant where he's very likely to order spaghetti, one of his favorite meals. When asked who his favorite person at BelAmi is he quickly answers ‘George Duroy’. It’s not hard to see why Dolph is quickly becoming a favorite with George and also many fans.

    Eric, Amsterdam

  7. hey anon, thanks for that - at least i can stop prowling the streets of sydney in the hope of bumping into him! and focus on a more attainable object of desire. Moravia sounds so much like an unreal country, like Transylvania. but if you go there and meet dolph, give my best - while you are giving him your best! take care. nick

  8. Yes, very nice, in every respect!

    I have another little blond Bel Ami guy I'm going to be posting a set of soon. It isn't this guy--and it isn't Tim Hamilton either--but another one of a similar type. They seem to have an endless supply of them! Thank goodness! : )

  9. glad u like dolph keith - look forward to your blond post!

  10. Hi Nick, You're welcome! just keep your blog up and running....
    There always is a possibilty of meeting up with him...about two years ago about five of the belami guys did a promo visit at my local pub in Amsterdam, and no, I did not take advantage of any of them, though I did have a beer with two of them, including Johan Paulik. the seemed nice and relaxed guys despite all the drooling around them. One of my friends, a big fan, wasn't able to speak the whole time they were in the bar. a thing he still regrets and denies to this day.

    again, greetings from Amsterdam,


  11. Sigh, another potential god ruined by a razor. That shaved piglet look is so unappealing.

  12. hey keith. had a similar experience when matthew rush came to sydney for a promo thing - got the signed photo but ... :<
