Wednesday, 20 February 2008

The Very Foxiest Trail in Town?

A few hours ago, I was walking down Victoria St, Darlinghurst, the suburb of Sydney which arguably has the strongest gay identity.

I was sauntering casually along when suddenly my eye balls were nearly wrenched out of their sockets by ...

... and, as I pressed my face hard up against the window pane, by ...

Could this be the foxiest trail in town? I noticed it was wearing a body and a face that weren't too bad either.

I noted down the website of the shop (, rushed home and downloaded a range of their versions of this potentially Olympic gold medal winning trail (when that event is added to the Games).

And then set about getting my lunch, after a very good morning's work!


Today I heard that , after seeing this post, our model here decided to leave his trail to the Natural History Museum - for posterity ! So future generations won't be denied the irrefutably intense pleasure!


  1. Thank you for the close-ups (#4 truly "does" it for me) and don't make move there, OK? OK, proceed...

    Excellent morning's work indeed, and if they add this 'event' to the Olympics this guy has my vote. Perfect 10. I'm assuming there'll be a pannel of judges and that the sale of megasized plasma tvs will go through the roof, right?

  2. I've already decided i'll be one of the judges (maybe the only one!). i've got his medal out at this very moment and am polishing it in preparation. but tell me, do you think a wall-sized plasma would be too vulgar and showy? PS everyone is telling me plasma is out (lines drop out - 3% a year - and if it's in the middle extra big crabbiness follows) and big big digital is the way to go. what have you heard?

  3. I'm also polishing something I'd like to present him with myself, so can we agree on a 2 judges? You're right about Plasma. I mean you're right in asking isn't it too vulgar and showy? Yep, which I could live with. But (though not so seriously as with LCD screens) technical probs (loss of quality in such a short time simply appaling for something that hereabouts still costs almost as much as a new - tiny - car) have kept me from buying one, so I make do with a 40" monster sized 5 yo analog..(anal, really and very temperamental)TV that is not that flat. Rather the reverse. I also hear big, big, huge digital is the way to go but I'm saving for my month of expensive thrills(as if I could afford that kind) in Paris, so... (Un)fortunately I'm pretty sure I'll manage to go Huge Digital before the Olympics go "and the winning Trail is...", it's a tough life :P

  4. so if you are polishing at the moment you must be typing with one hand - impressive! improving the quality is the challenge for LCD's. but with LCD you can have everything more easily integrated - puter, DVD, TV, whatever - i suspect it's the way of the future even if not there yet. here the price of LCD has been tumbling - used to be 15,000 and now 1500 or less. and you know that judges without digital are no longer able to practise as judges! well, not at an olympic event. i'll make a case out for allowing you, an an exception! envy is building over Paris - still!!!

  5. Great pics man!!!!
    i love those!!!
    have a good day!!!!

  6. Yes, I am actually famous for my one-handed typing ;) And 1500 AUS$? Here it's about €2000 for a half decent one and I have this feeling that would be nearly 4000 AUS$. Sorry if I am using the wrong currency acronym, I was never that good at rates of exchange. Not strictly monetary ones, anyway. I'll shut up about Paris any month now, I promise. Fair dinkum. Fair enough?

  7. hey antipodeanpt. please don't stop about paris - s'il vous plait. you are acronym-perfect my friend. i am after a new one for the wall, only a part tho! clears up the room so it's not so junked up with DVD, TV, sound system, etc. so in Paris in a month - how bout breaking that last promise and telling me what you plan to do there - indulge me.

    PS this was typed partially one-handed! but what to do with the other hand?

  8. hey Alfredo. good to hear. and glad you enjoyed the pics. have a great day. and hope to hear from you again.

  9. If you want to see the trail in person the man works at Golds Gym in Surry Hills! His name is Jason and he is also in DNA magazine from time to time.

  10. i am living two minutes from surry hills and gold's gym - and am (in fantasy) slipping on my boots (can you 'slip on' a boot? it doesn't sound right!) at this very moment. and will report any and all personal encounters! imagined or other wise. i suspect ripping down jocks and dropping to knees activities - even in public - i imagine complete dis-inhibition. and a jail/goal (which ever you like best) term!

  11. hey c-list, yeah, loved finding the website and those pics!

  12. ick...bring back giorgio...;-)

  13. hey anon. got another set of g and e - will post soon!

  14. phew...not going anywhere too fast anyway

  15. Re the PS: How very altruistic of him! I know your sources are most trustworthy so I was just wondering if you could be more specific (or just mess with my..erm..brain?). The whole trail to just one Museum, or hairs all over the Planet like the relics of saints in the middle ages (OK, so it was bones then - do NOT lead me down that path, I implore)? And if the former (I vote for that one!) which NHM? Please say it's in Sydney so I have another excuse to go there in my of my later life. Or Paris, London, Lisbon, Canberra? Rio? Cairo? Personally (patriotism never colours my perceptions or influence my judgement except in Hairy Matters) I'd be happy with any Museum within the EU. Easily accessible from any place in the world, open longer hours, available for

    OK - Nick? You *forced* me to use "colours", "hairy", "accessible", "open" and "available". I think I'll stop drooling random comments all over your exquisite blog for now :)



  16. Very appealing. He also has a major "Apollo's belt"--the line of muscular definition separating his obliques and lower abdomen from his hipbones.

  17. hey keith - thanks for naming the bit we all know and lust after. by the way, great name for that sexy intersection of muscles - 'apollo's belt'!
