Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Given Any Thought to Moving Lately?

Do you know the real estate agent who's got these little get-away places on his/her books?!

Money would have to be no object, of course. Just nerves of steel!

And if the modernist thing isn't for you, then you might like the old world charm of the next two.

I'm half packed and ready to go!

My first bid will be on #1 - though isn't it the very most scary!


  1. Hey there Nick (me mate? may I? me first mate would be letting you into my Realm of Fantasy... heh) - you've done it again! And my choice is the very last one. Because of the sheer improbabilty of the logistics, but above all because... well: My very Chinese Architectural Icon hanging on an impossibly weathered rock, plus - My Own private Guilin? Amazing, inspiring and near enough to my dream dwelling place of a micro-island all to myself but with all the comforts and pleasures of a much admired civilisation.

    Thank you. Love the old world one as well. Feels just like Stratford-upon-Avon or some Cotswold village transported to a 'somewhat' more exciting background scenery.

  2. Are these real??? Where are they? Whew!

  3. hey anon, no, sadly i think they involve a bit of graphic license!

  4. hey antipodeanpt, always ya mate, always willing to let/drag/implore/etc you into my any-kinda-realm. maybe we need more than one - why limit ourselves. i like the idea of a Stratford-meets-StarWars combo - but it seems we have to choose!

  5. For some reason I recall seeing that first pic ... somewhere. Don't ya just love the little ladder going, presumably, down to the ground?

  6. hey greg. i reckon the ladder is to go down, swing around on and scream your head off in the absolute terror - an up-dated version of the roller coaster or scenic railway!!
