Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Personal Diaries - Who are They For and What to Put in Them?

A Personal Diary Entry of A. Margaret Jefferies (1912-1992) - Trip to Nigeria 1951

I kept a diary when I was in high school. And when I lived in Paris. And China. And a couple of times since. Got a whole stack now that go up several feet when piled up!

I thought the idea was to be able to be absolutely straight forward about everything. But, particularly looking back over some of these volumes, I understood I had constructed various versions of myself and the way I see the world. And came to the conclusion that I had practised the necessary self-deceptions we all do to protect ourselves from ourselves.

So, in Christopher Isherwood fashion, I started to try to peel back these illusions on an inward journey. And I think I'm getting closer to 'the truth/a truth' about myself/myselves.

So I have good reason to continue some kind of personal writing.

I did think that blogging was the diary mode of the C21.

But I know now I'd bore you all to within an inch of your lives with the kind of stuff that fascinates me, about me. Of course I know there's a generality even in specific and individual experiences. And don't get me wrong - there's still tons of intimate and uncensored personal stuff I want to put here. But I just realize it's not every thing. Or even very much.

But I hope what I manage to put here will excite the organ between your ears ... as well as a the organ between your legs!!!


  1. Hey, just felt this silly urge to tell you "I still keep a written diary but it's so boring that it probably reflects the many sides of my true boring self". I don't blog at all but once upon a ..(year ago? )I gave it a try. But I had no idea what to do with it. I felt I couldn't be 100% myself because I'd feel exposed and risk boring someone to death. OTHO, why have a blog when you keep having to borrow ideas, videos, photos and poems from people way more talented than oneself (That was my kind of blog). It's not like yours at All. Your blog not only covers a wide range of subjects - it opens whole new vistas for to explore, and I don't mean the iconic guys - so please don't get side-tracked by all those horny comments at hot guys and guy parts that you get from pervs like me. More often than not I'd rather know more about mummified animals, Roman emperors' fancies (hint? dunno what you mean, Nick) and Japanese poetry and Chinese...well, Everything and tips for one who's about to visit Paris for the first time properly (one whole month!). I know there are always your archives, all I meant to say was: this blog is Food for the organ between my ears, so keep providing your gourmet delicacies. Not that I mind the other edibles you post at all - but you probably will have guessed that by now ;)

    Stay well, Nick

  2. one month in paris, first time - what a total blast - my envy is just going wild! and i'll miss your delicious 'comments' but hope to hear from you when you get back - you'll be dying to pour bits of your trip into expectant ears - and mine will be willing - a very very bad pun! when do you go?

  3. June, with Spring in the air and all that, hopefully warm enough for Parisians to start showing a bit of skin on public places. Paris-Plage is not until July or August, methinks. 'Me' may be wrong.
    Tremendously looking forward to the whole experience (or multitude of experiences?) and since I wouldn't want your ears to burn (I'm guessing they don't burn easily, at least not with the tame yet unedifying pleasures I foresee) I'll probably mail you. A lot. I'll miss your blog, but we'll always have some (now smoke-free..) Parisian Cybercafé, I trust. Miss my comments? You are too kind, and I feel very flattered. Not a bad thing, just a somewhat rare one.


  4. june can be (wonderfully) hot. and i'm grateful you'll mail - i'm a good correspondent (said modestly) and can give 'helpful hints' about places to eat, venues to chase (and catch!) gay men .. blah blah ... if needed. i used to live in Montparnasse (a year) and stayed in the gay epicentre of Le Marais in 2003 for a few months - one of the 'liveliest' areas - a zillion clothes shops of the moment (and not even a moment ago) - lots of gay cafes to hang during the day ... . and right in the centre, next to isle de la cite but on le rive droite.
