Monday 1 September 2008

A Question of Size

Do you think my dick is big? People say it is ... but I'm not so sure.

No! Are you sure?

Are you absolutely completely irrevocably certain?

Well okay, 'small to average' if you say so.

You seem to be a pretty sincere kinda guy - you wouldn't be here .... JUST TO OGLE MY BIG FAT LONG JUICY 'INTELLECT'?


  1. i really d onot know. Le tme take it into my mouth and then I can tell you wiether it is big or normal.

  2. Funny but I just saw the Latin Dude on a blog that until today had been on vacation since early June.

    Even so, this post would be counter intuitive for you and your blond love.

    Alan down in Florida

  3. hey AbqGWM, yeah, very wow! even WOW!

  4. hey ray's cowboy. and if, after you'd carried out this size experiment, you were still unsure whether it was big or normal, you could test it with another orifice! a tape measure would be a more accurate test - but much less satisfying!

  5. Errrr ...ooops, I meant to use that comment for the guy below! As Homer would say --- "Doh !!!"

  6. mmm, some days i go for the brazilian butt crack look - somethimes i like to 'floss'! today .... i think there's something caught between my teeth!!!!

  7. hey alan. he's obviously making a big entrance, and is ready, mr de mille! (well, i am)

  8. Looks just about the RIGHT size to me, kid! Slightly smaller than mine! : )

  9. Seems average enough to taste. If I was into letting IT engage in any other type of activities with me? Much too large. I never was a size-royal personage. It's delightful to look at as any munchable thing is (giant carrots?) but as a means to an end it's a freakish aberration perpetuating the myth that some like it big. I'm sure some do. I'm equally sure most don't.

  10. hey pete.

    if you feel he is on the average size, someone your way must be ginormous - i knew i had good taste in friends! tho i'm not really a size-queen either. nice to look at initially but then too much hard fucking work! almost like going to work.

    so the question of appreciating size is a look or do issue.

    we have the same view here!

    so i'll be posting tiny peckers from now on, NOT!?

    take care

