Wednesday, 26 November 2008

I Think the Blonds Have It! Ota, A Postscript

Would I kill for a couple of hours with Ota?

Probably not ... possibly not ... mmm ... look, I better back to you on that one!

In my next life ... .

Postscript - For Greg


  1. Yes, he is gorgeous, balls and foreskin, chest, stomach... but is he really a blond? Methinks I see traces of dark roots under the thatch, and the shaven pubes look a little suspicious as well... Never mind, would I do him - in a heartbeat! Thanks.

  2. hey eddie

    yeah, i'm a bit liberal in what i accept as blond

    one of my nicest qualities, don't you think!


  3. Nick - as long as your standards are not so lax that jaundice counts as blond we're OK. LOL.

    Alan down in Florida

  4. hey alan

    as you would have undoubtedly guessed, i check each potential blond post-ee's credentials - one of the most important is that 'blond' has to be in the right place - i.e. the color of the hair and not that of the face.


  5. I don't know if I'd kill for him either, Nick. Possibly just maim someone I guess. lol
    Nice bod on him. Me wonders how his man-ass looks like?

  6. hey greg

    this morning i think i'd only be up to slapping someone and not very hard at that!

    i'll put a couple of man-ass pics i the post to slake your curiousity!

  7. Awwwww thanks Nick.
    Now that you have satisfied my curiosity...... I demand more!!! lol
    Thanks again.

  8. hey greg

    and i demand more too ... as much as googling can supply!

    keep u posted!

  9. Hey Nick:

    Ota's Inner Crack hair isn't blond so, he isn't totally blond, but this boy is so apealling that I really would like to rim his ass!

  10. hey anon

    yep ota is a 'blond' rather than a blond - but i'm pretty liberal - like you - more for us to look at!
