Friday 21 November 2008

What Friday Night Means to Me

It's Friday night in Sydney town and for some reason or other my thoughts are turning to dicks - perhaps cos of their increased availability at this time of the week. Though of course this is paralleled by a corresponding rise in demand, to pun a bit!

Long thick hard ones ...

... and shorter even thicker ones with small heads ...

... and even common or garden variety ones ...

As Gertrude Stein once said:

'A dick is a dick is a dick'

Or words to that effect.

Strange how she so well understood the psyche of early C21 gay men!


  1. A corollary not to be forgotten is that a dick is only as good as the man it's on.

    Alan down in Florida

  2. yep, definitely a symbiotic relationship!

  3. There's something intriguing about those photos, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I believe it may be the quality of the lens, or perhaps the ambient lighting. I'd best study these pictures a while longer.

  4. hey anon

    maybe it's something aesthetic that catching you attention:

    - the disposition of the forms ?

    - the chromatic scale?

    - something iconographic?

    keep studying and me informed of any theoretical developments - above your waist line!

  5. I have been sitting here trying to think of something terribly clever and witty about these images... it is.....

    .... WOOF !!!!!!

    (I can not move beyond the gutteral pleasure of them!)

  6. hey paul

    great to hear from u!

    that's the kinda response i'd hoped to get!

    wanted us all to sound like a pack of hounds ... .
