Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Christian and the Very Good Secret Men's Business of Scent Marking

Now I guess you are expecting the usual series of still images.

But, when I couldn't sleep last night, I was investigating what software had come loaded onto my puter. And was amazed to discover I'd always had Windows Movie Maker.

So Christian is now going to be video-ized, with clever comments and an accompanying George Michael sound track ('Different Corner'). If you listen to the lyrics of the song as you watch the images you're in for a big laugh!

I suspect for collecting and archival purposes (!), you'd be pretty bitter if I didn't also post the photos!

Happy now!

Praise for my newly acquired movie-making skills are in order.

Lavish and excessive comments would be a good start!


  1. Triple wow! The boy is super and I like your slide show. However, the title's a little misleading. Christian is the newest tasty morsel from Sean Cody...and your "Boy Next Door" is a little misleading.

  2. Consider yourself lavished excessively. Now come back to bed.

    Alan down in Florida

  3. cute boy, would not mind helping him out.

  4. hey alan

    LOL, i'm on my way now

    not sure i'm desperately in lust with christian - i suspect i just used him for nefarious video-making experiments!

    very cruel of me!

    take care and have the best day - be in touch a bit later


  5. hey ray's c

    it's the boy next door thing that makes him seem actually accessible



  6. hey jackscribe

    i guess for me 'boy next door' and 'sizzlingly hot fuck' can conflate

    do you know if he makes his own videos!

    we could compare - the beginning of ... something!

    take care


  7. I suppose it would be a bit cruel to tell you that you should definitely not quit your day job - LOL - OK was just joking - actually that wasn't that bad for a beginner. And probably a whole lot better than I would be since I've never ever tried making a video and most certainly don't have the time!

    I do have to admire that hunk and that man-ass of his. Very nice. Would be great to be chowing down on that hole (while taking a few ass-hairs out of my teeth of course - lol)

    I've got to ask you though - just how long did it take to upload that video through Blogger? I've tried to do it a couple of times and it literally seemed to take forever! And I had high-speed DSL for cripes sake!

    All around good post, Nick.

  8. hey greg

    LOL - no, it was my first and i stick by my smugness! LOL!

    yep, that's a butt to get lost in - big firm and furry - i'm salivating! almost perfect.

    it didn't take long to upload - maybe your server was busy at the time you tried. blogger has an upload size limit of 20 MG - maybe that was the issue but i think they tell you you are beyond the limit if you are - but thought that was YouTube who did this kind of notification

    maybe try another time - tell us how you go

    thanks for the 'all round good post' bit at the end - put a smile on my face - which was what i was after!


  9. hey greg

    just posted my latest effort on Facebook - dare you to check it out and not be impressed - you'll be falling to your knees ... no, that's another scenario altogether!

  10. a beautiful furry butt crack - I could spend hours probing it with my tongue! Yum

  11. excellent job oh master video maker!!!! and an excellent choice of models!!! that butt is MINE all mine! I don't want to share him as much as I like you his is MINE MINE MINE... ok, I think I forgot my delusional meds today!!! But one can dream can't one... seriously that is one fine human being and that ass is one in which to fall in love, lust, lechery and laciviousness!!!! Keep it UP, Nick...


  12. hey anon

    yeah, a crack in a million!

    we'll be down there together!

    take care


  13. hey kevin

    LOL - i am slurping up any praise i can get so thanks! LOL

    no delusion - i'm totally convinced he'll be banging on my 'door' - just after he cums to you

    now where r my mad pills!

    take care

