Monday, 2 March 2009

Michal - From a Hood to a Whole Package

I've always liked Michal, mainly cos of that mind-blowingly loose and rumply-ended hood ...

It's the way it hangs just a bit beyond the head of his dick that makes it so fucking succulent. And the creamy colour ... and the myriad of small veins .. and ... well, it's the whole damn package, isn't it!

So if I ever go for foreskin reconstruction ... I want one EXACTLY like Michal's. No deviations.

More recently I've come to appreciate the Michal beyond the borders of his skin - and have re-constructed him as a new whole package, so to speak.

And then today - after some peripatetic googling - my respect (is that the right word?) soared again. The fleshy succulence of the skin seems to have spread outwards to engulf his whole bod.

I suppose it's not just his new buzz cut, is it?


  1. Ha! A foreskin recontructed! I love it.

  2. he has strong north east europe features....nice

    any more ethnic info on this darling, nick?

    douglas.....los angeles

  3. Nice to see he is keeping his beauty as he gets older. Send him to me and we'll grow old together.

    Alan down in Florida

  4. lol yeah its that buzz cut that, from my perspective, really doesn't look that good on him. But everything else on him is just fine.

  5. hey greg

    yeah, not sure bout the buzz cut either - tho maybe as he gets older he thinks he needs to change his image - like all old hollywood stars!

  6. hey wit

    i saw a reconstructed one the other day on the net - and am having second thoughts - not about the skin - but above the result of reconstruction - not absolutely convincing - so might hold back - till i have michal's is the result of surgery!



  7. hey alan

    yep, and his beauty is evolving so nicely - more fleshy to start - yum.

    at this very moment, i'm trying to force him into a big brown box - for the voyage to your place!

  8. hey doug

    i'm sure i've seen somewhere he's russian

    he googles well with 'Michal'

    lots about!


  9. Hey thanks nick, ....!!

    yep.....classic russian features on this Baltic boy beauty.

    Doug..............los angeles
