Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Mikhail Baryshnikov - Ballet's Super Sex Symbol and Perhaps the Greatest Dancer of the C20

And now for something completely different ...

... but, as the Shirley McLean character said in 'The Turning Point', the reason most girls like ballet classes at all is cos the boys are in tights.

So if you adjust your mind just a little, you'll find this post truly hot - in a whole new way. Try to trust me!

These are rehearsal shots ('Baryshnikov at Work') with Jerome Robbins, who did, among other things, the choreography for 'West Side Story'. The images are so big that, when you click on one, Mikhail almost jumps out into your living room, office, ... where ever!

Strong, muscular, voluptuous, erotic - and with thick blond hair and a beautiful square and super cute face.

What more do you want!

There's a great early video of Baryshnikov doing Solar's variation in 'La Bayadere' - in 1969 while he was still in the Soviet Union.

The gold medal they're referring to him winning is (I think) the one at the Varna (Bulgaria) International Ballet Competition.

Extraordinary seemingly effortlessly executed technique, amazing ballon (elevation and the ability to float in the air), clear, purposeful, controlled and sculpturally delineated port de bras (carriage, placement and movement of the arms and shoulders) ... I could go on and on but ... !

There's also a particularly sizzling 80s performance of him as Basilio in the coda of 'Don Quixote' with Natalia Makarova as Kitri. With a still timely warning at the end against the dangerous trend in dance for ultra thin ballerinas.

On stage Mikhail's multi-multi-fold hotter - which I can guarantee, having seen him as Prince Florimund in 'Sleeping Beauty', Romeo in 'Romeo and Juliet', Basilio in 'Don Quixote' and Albrecht in Act II of Giselle' with Natalia Makarova.

Ok, so what do you guys think?!


  1. I think that dancers, of almost any stripe, are the greatest athletes in the world. The training and dedication to the art, even to become mediocre, is staggering. To become great....
    The likes of a Barysnikov, a Nuryev, or even a D'Amboise are rare and to be treasured.
    BTW, my liking of, and appreciation of ballet faded many years ago. But not the memories of seeing the greatest exponents of the art dance in my lifetime.

  2. hep, amazing

    will email you more bout this!

    take care

