Monday, 25 May 2009

Bailey Does His Special Thing on 'Letterman'

Now this is very sweet and (for me at least) very funny - so we'll have no 'Comments' about the 'low' nature of my sense of humour!

It involves the canine Bailey and his unnamed (Chris Evans-ish) side-kick ...

Here we go then ...

Okay, nice 'Comments' are now required!


  1. I have no idea why I find that so funny, but I laughed out loud until my eyes started to water. Oh Lord, it takes so little sometimes.

  2. Letterman's "Stupid Dog Tricks" has been part of his late night repertoire for years. This is one of the best! Thanks, Nick, for the humor. BTW, also thanks for the preceeding Carl pix. I think the first one - in the cap and tee - is very sexy. Kind of a 'things to come' pose.

  3. Thanks for the laugh! Quite amazing...

  4. Hi Nick,

    Sorry I missed that bit on Letterman. I have always like his "Stupid Pet Tricks. Actually, I've always like his show. He so much funnier than Leno and one of the best interviewers on television. And I'm serious. Like very few others, Letterman knows how to ask follow-up questions.

    You're in Australia, yes? Do you get to see these shows on TV, or do you just catch bits on the web?

  5. hey paul in NYC

    i had the same uncontrolled laughter - and i similarly couldn't figure out why

    maybe it's partly bailey's side-kick's deadpan mono-syllabic half of the discourse - which seems to make him amazingly hot, don't you think?


  6. hey anon

    it is amazing - someone has told me the dog act's a regular thing on 'Letterman'



  7. hey jackscribe

    is that right bout it being a regular 'spot' - will look it out - tho not expect anything to top this one

    the beanie cap pic is my fav too!

    someone has said there is a photo shoot from paul freeman ('bonid urban') where carl is hard - i'm googling and will post if successful!



  8. Nick, I agree with you. The side kick is one of those guys you don't really pay much attention to at a party, but as you're having an enjoyable chat you suddenly take a second look and think, Oh YES! This one could be quite a bit of fun in the sack. I bet he's a great kisser.

  9. I admire Paul Freeman's photography and have his BONDI WORK on my coffee table. There is a blond in that book who is beyond yummy. Would love to see anything of Freeman that croches into hard erotic.

  10. hey jackscribe

    what's so interesting (in a somewhat perverse way) about freeman's photos is that the dicks seem in some ways incident in the overall image - often not being really clear or full shown

    haven't got my mind quite around what he's doing in his photos - will read a bit about him and see

    PS a blond beyond yummy - now that's my kinda territory!



  11. hey paul

    'quiet but deadly' is the expression i think!



  12. The "sidekick" is pretty cute, and so is his dog. I got the impression that the sidekick didn't really care about being there.
    Still, that was good for a smirk.

  13. FROM REIN:

    Sometimes when you feel like there is nothing to laugh about in your life, something comes from out of nowhere that literally has you on the floor roaring, sides splitting and tear running down your cheeks. What even made it even better for me was Bailey's buddy. I for one would take Bailey anywhere . . . his buddy, however, could prove to be a serious board.

    HI, Nick. Just to good not to comment upon. And PET TRICKS started with Letterman, before Letterman was LETTERMAN.


  14. hey greg

    maybe the side-kick was a bit overc0me by the whole camera/studio thing

    but yep he's as watchable as Bailey for me!

    take care


  15. hey ken

    yep, in australia but we get letterman - late at night like i imagine you do

    not so fond of him but he sometimes has interesting guests and stuff

    take care

