Thursday, 11 February 2010

To Dunce Or Not To Dunce, That Is The Question

Ok guys, if the puzzle below takes more than a nanosecond (or three, let's not be too mean or anal), please insinuate yourself into a context similar to the one above, attired in the very same manner.

If ...

2 + 3 = 10

7 + 2 = 63

6 + 5 = 66

8 + 4 = 96

Then ...

9 + 7 = ?

Okay, so precisely where are you now after doing that, and what exactly are you wearing?

Of course, feel free to share any more 'exotic' locations you may be heading for ... if not required in the classroom!


  1. I deduce 144...
    My heads hurt!!!

    Love your blog

  2. Either 16 or 154. Who says porn doesn't rot the brain?

  3. hey anon

    i came up with 144 too - i got a spread sheet with the puzzle - which is unlocked by the answer - and you add your name to the list and send the spreadsheet on with the puzzle

    cya, nick

  4. hey alan

    and other parts of the anatomy

    strange how it feels so good though!

    char soon i hope nick

  5. hey ken

    144 works for me but i'll check 567

    cya, nick

  6. hey anon

    yep, 144 is the thing

    in each case, it's adding the two numbers on the left of the = sign, and then multiplying the result by the first of these numbers

  7. Okay Nick, according to my math the answer is 2. Why? 9 inches plus 7 inches = 2 guys having loads of fun. New math, gotta love it.

  8. hey jay

    the best maths jay!

    the other answer was onviously wrong

    cya, nick
