Monday 12 April 2010

News Flash - Pest Control Measures

Added to the following ...

... there's a new pest infesting the blog-o-sphere, the faux comment ...

... when I'm really after comments like these ...

As the former are reaching plague proportions here and the moderation business of rejecting them is getting to be a drag, I hope you'll bear with me (!) while I put the 'Word Verification' thing on for a bit - in the (vain?) hope of bringing the infestation under control.

Really sorry for the inconvenience - hope it'll only be temporary.

By the way, is anyone else experiencing this new blight?


  1. Hi
    Yes, I didn't have comment control and I got this "anonymous shit head" who was very critical of my liberal views and it was so obvious he was a Mormon as well. I could tell because the only other person on at the time the comment was made was me in Ft. Lauderdale and this guy in Provo, Utah. In any case, he is a sicko...He kept putting in comments even after I placed the controls but I would just reject them. I think he has given up on my blog.
    I love your blog by the way and have been following now for a few months.

  2. hi raulito

    the 'anonymous shit head' i'm getting seems to have a varied modus operandi - sometimes it's just gobbledygook and at other times specfic ads for whatever with links to websites

    hate having the word verification cos people don't like to have to waste the time doing it - which i perfectly understand

    thanks for the appreciation - very good of you!

    as always great to hear from you

    best, nick

  3. OMG. I couldn't sleep last night. I finally got up around to check blogs. I decided to check your blog and totally misread it. Sorry about that.

  4. hey wit

    no problem - i do it all the time - LOL

    just so nice not to have a ton of faux comments to deal with this morning! i think the others were automatically generated in some way - each one not put here by a real live human

    good to hear again

    best, nick

  5. LOL Nick - Totally understand why you have decided to go back to the word verification. Guess I've been lucky so far.....

  6. hey greg

    it seems to me it's a bit hit and miss as far as faux commenters are concerned - no problems for in five years till now

    since it's been on - nada - so it wasn't a pest person but some auto -generated thing - which is not so good as it might mean that it's always there and i can't turn off word verification - we'll see!

    cya, nick
