Saturday, 7 April 2007

Zack - 'I'm ready for my close-up Mister de Mille'

Zack has no issues with just putting it right out there, so to speak.

As everyone knows, the camera loves some faces. Garbo was one. Madonna another. And in the gay world, Joseph Sayers as sometimes photographed by Joe Oppedisano. Zack is yet another.

Conversely, some people just love the camera - as someone famously said, 'I'm ready for my close-up Mr de Mille'. These people come most alive when they know they are observed. And in this moment, understand intuitively how to face off the camera physically. As does Zack:

Not a muscle is out of place. Self-consciously so, yes, but as with Marilyn:

Curiously the pose in the first shot of each is almost the identical.

'With one tiny difference. Well, perhaps not so tiny'. (ack. Nathan Lane 'The Bird Cage'):

What is itchy hot making in the last photo is seeing the open 'eye' of his cock - promise of things to cum.

And to prove this first set was not just a one-off, and that Zack can make love to the camera at will:

This Narcissus phenomenon has been long recognized. From the antique world of frescos and bronzes found at Pompei, through Waterhouse's famous Pre-Raphaelite image and Dali's equally famous painting, to modern gay representations:

Well, I'm off to practice 'putting it out there' - in front of the mirror.

I have my two Zack sets to guide me at first. Then I'll go solo. I truly believe employing 'The Method' of Stanislavsky would help. A lot. Get me into the mood of being totally and unbelievably hot ... .

My trusty Pentax Optico'll capture any progress. So, guys, wait with baited breath!


  1. THANKS FOR SHOWING US THE CUTE KID -- but you set Gay history back 50 years with the article, Garbo, Monroe, etc. What is wrong with appreciating beautiful men and boys for who they are, without dredging up the old "worship" thing? The boy is sexy, and I hope he realizes he is only cute, not a god, as you portray him, and keeps his head on straight.

  2. hey anon. i've been in sexual politics for a long time - i was trying to get into the mind of the guy in the photos not express my view - i think he sees himself in that old-fashioned posing and 'worship me' way. maybe the image in his mind to worship was madonna or whoever - but it adds up to the same thing. i think people look for idols at any time in history. i don't subscribe to this but just comment on the phenomenon. cheers. nick

  3. Excelent the finally pic... kisses...

  4. OK, I am now a fan of that Zack guy!
    Truly a beautiful, sexy man!
    Thanks again Nick for those hot pics.
    Ummmmm ... you wouldn't happen to have more of him by any chance?
