Thursday, 24 July 2008

Mystery Object - Elaborated

Obviously, no prizes for guessing we had a male 'chastity belt' in our midst ...

... but what I didn't tell you was that I'd held back my absolute favorite style ...

... which has a kinda Porsche Carrera look ... it's the high gloss and the sleek elegant classic curves ...

... a similarity made more striking when 'a la maison' or 'in place' ...

... just imagine yourself driving this hot shiny 'baby' down to your local gay watering hole ... .

Though perhaps I've stretched the idea one stage too far! What do you think?

Or is this elaboration enough to change your minds about getting one for your 'utilities' cupboard?


  1. Nick, me mate (I promise I'll stop this any day now...)

    Yes to both.
    As an Evora-born guy I would have liked the new Lotus Evora analogy to be furthermost but I forgive you.

    I do not forgive you the part when I go "yes I have no cupboard but that is one utility I will buy regardless".

    Also? Yes you have gone / stretched yourself too far. What does it say or mean that even so I am still with you. Willingly. Tell me?

    Now that your online shopping innuendo has turned into a genuine buy for who knows who I trust you'll get a proper Lotus Evora alongside anything from Amsterdam's MisterB(oh, just google it) or my still favourite PricklyWear thing. I promise you that thye last time I checked they had fruit & veggies most decently accomodated as well as having no Lotus Evora pic. They also had me at the point of "never again!" with their frilly things. That's why I prefer Amsterdam online shopping, methinks.

    Loved the arab Nuit at Le Depot, btw. And it ws sleazy and greasely enough thank you. What sort of thing will I have missed at K's? I dare you ;-)



  2. think so too ray's cowboy - so should i order you one, or two, or ???

  3. no shame in getting 4 or 5 - different colours for different occasions!

  4. I'm sorry, I'm reporting that manufacturer to Amnesty International for cruel and unusual punnishment!

  5. hey greg. in that case we'd better quickly buy up as much of the stock as we can ... before amnesty gets them closed down! you know, when we're 90 and trying to squeeze it into one of 'them' and it breaks and we reach for another and there are none left and we start to cry and ... well, we know the dangers of not buying up now - getting my jeans on right now and heading for the door. how bout you? take care. nick

    take care. nick

  6. hey jon. good point! you'd get shredded - like making potato chips!

  7. hey peter bear, think you need to elaborate on 'Loved the arab Nuit at Le Depot, btw' - we are all 'waiting with breathe that is baited'
