Saturday, 19 July 2008

Recalcitrant Pumps - Part 2!

I was walking home from the French bakery this morning - armed with an almond and chocolate croissant, and an apple danish - and was savouring the prospect of devouring them the moment I got inside, if not sooner ...

... when I happened upon a pair of mens shoes, out for a casual Sunday morning stroll - quite unaccompanied!

Now you may not strike you as in any way out of the ordinary, but if you check my post of 7th November 2007 ...

... you'll realize I am being relentlessly ambushed by old footwear!

What do you reckon I should do guys?

Should I confront my leathery stalkers? Suggest a coffee to chat about the 'situation'? Embrace the wonderful diversity of surprises that daily rush in on us?

Any suggestions?


  1. Awesome, I just kept staring at them. haha I wonder about their past.

  2. hey rye! yeah - so many unanswered questions - LOL! i couldn't believe it - they were just out walking as so many pumps seem to be doing these days - i'll accost my next pair - that's really the only thing to do! take care. nick

  3. It's moments, and pictues like these that really make you step outside the clatter in our own heads, and go, 'WTF, haha'

  4. hey rye! yep, they certainly stopped me in my tracks - everything else melted away and i did focus - momentarily - life is so full of noise it's hard to keep the attention going. take care. nick

  5. Maybe someone is kidnapping people and leaving the shoes as evidence? lol

  6. Might be a very slow game of strip poker? Watch out for lonesome underwear over the next few months!

  7. hey victor - LOL. a game which involved both men and women - from the shoes. i feel my detective instincts kicking in. and from the evidence, younger women with trendy taste and older men with conservative tendencies ... the thot plickens!

  8. hey greg, i've been watching 'Criminal Investigations' or 'CI' on Foxtel TV - and i reckon luminol might reveal a blood trace. or two - there was probably a struggle and the killer was scratched and left his/her own DNA as well as the victim's!! and finger prints as he removed the shoes? he had a foot fetish which he satisfied before murdering his victim. this fantasy is getting out of control - help! LOL!

  9. I make no attempt to understand serial killers with foot fetishes. However, after this second sighting, I'd be tempted to leave a pair to wander the streets. Just for the sheer random fun of it.

  10. Nick - I think you should leave a jockstrap or a Speedo next to the shoes next time and see if they reveal themselves.

    Alan down in Florida

  11. Charlie Deschamps21 July 2008 at 06:27

    I can imagine your surprise and how you started to imagine the life of the shoes owners... Imagine how I felt when during a patrol on the french highways I discovered two wooden left legs protesis ! Just love your blog, thank you so much for entertaining us !

  12. hi charlie - i was blown away by your prosthesis story - makes my abandoned shoes tale very dull indeed! did you manage to photo the abandoned legs? take care. hope to hear again. nick

  13. hey kevyn - LOL - i think the experience was intellectual rather than physical. take care. nick

  14. hey derek. if you decide to abandon a pair, you'll need to run - i'm reliably informed that well-loved shoes will chase you for blocks - at high speed! you know that thing about cheetahs being the fastest land animals - wrong - it's rejected pumps!

  15. hey alan. LOL. can i ask your (i believe) expert advice? should the jockstrap be washed or unwashed? does laundering or not effect the efficacy of this strategy? or would i be just having a different crowd revealing themselves?

  16. My theory is this is the aftermath of an alien abduction.

    If you finds two shoes together the person was standing in that spot when abducted. When you find only one shoe they were in mid stride when abducted.

  17. hey jeffery - your theory has evidentiary support' (reece witherspoon 'legally blond') - there was a smell of discharged electricity in the air as i passed! and a slight wisp of smoke rising up from inside the shoes.

    one shoe can also mean the abductee was one-legged! do you agree?


    take care


  18. Nick - Of course the jockstrap should be unlaundered. How else are they gonna pick up the scent to track you down?

    Alan down in Florida

  19. hi alan. HOHOHO. of course. but i don't wanna make it too easy - how bout i have half a dozen of my friends wear the strap, maybe for a couple of days each. only a couple cos any longer and the strap would be 'strong' enough to walk away all on its own! the way this is going, i think we could become Private Dicks (!), what do you think?

  20. Or you and a half a dozen friends could wear my jockstrap at the same time.

    Alan down in Florida

  21. hey alan - kinda musical jockstraps. question then is what kinda music - classical (a bach fugue ... mmm - maybe not!), jazz ('fever' - better) ... what would be your pleasure?

  22. Anything by a boy band provide they are there naked to perform it (and other assorted acts).

    Alan down in Florida

  23. hey alan. think you've sorted the music out - even done to their 'costumes' - excellent choice! cute hairy blond guys i suppose?
