Nathan Sommers - As Yet Pretty Undiscovered?

I saw Nathan Sommers on a site somewhere or other and, as you do, googled for more images. But found practically nil.
Just these few stills from the video 'On Fire' ...

... and the promo for this film - with a titillating kiss at the end ...
... and these dick pics ...

... and grainy video stills.

All I really managed to dredge up of real interest was this rather interesting video interview.
I hope I'm not profiling, but I was amazed how articulate and self-possessed this guy of Cuban origin was.
He is in charge, directing much of the way things unfold. Talking about life, porn and life beyond porn.
Nathan should go far - in some direction!
On fire I may have to order. The uncut cocks are great as well.
hey ray's cowboy. i'm waiting for 'on fire 2' - shouldn't be too long! take care. nick
ReplyDeleteHey - he's from my neck of the woods. He's from central county and I'm from south county.
ReplyDeleteHe's gorgeous and has absolutely perfect genitalia.
Almost fell out of my chair laughing at his description of his parents. All in all seems like a nice guy.
Still someone should warn him against trying to become a principal. Can you imagine the uproar if they discovered his gay porn past? Hell they fired a straight wrestling coach down here for appearing clothed on a wrestling website that catered to gay men.
Alan down in Florida
P.S. I suppose on a comparative basis to your expectations he might be articulate but considering the wealth he comes from (where he lived and where he's traveled) he's got way too many verbalized pauses. I know - I use my degree in Speech to watch porn.
hey alan. he does seem a nice guy. and the articulateness i saw as relative - i guess i am thinking of the less than august pronouncements of other porn workers - usually limited to grunts and 'fuck man's. and i agree i was a bit astounded that nathan hadn't understood the far-reaching implications of working in 'the industry'. no principally in his future but there could be something more than where he is at the moment. i hope. and he has a great dick!!! u r right there. nick
ReplyDeletePS alan. the pauses (just listened again) seemed to me to be studied conversational style - made him seem less slick and more thoughtful - as though he was thinking stuff thru as he was chatting on. just a view. take care. nick
ReplyDeletePPS alan. maybe nathan had visions of keeping (young male) students in after class and ... no seriously, he wants to be in education and is wildly unrealistic. bout the parents ... maybe he made it all up!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm of two ways about him. I can't help but admire that guys hot body and, from the look you posted Nick, his great cock. Love his voice and his laid back attitude.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I would hate to see someone like him have his dreams cut down just because the dude did some porn. Maybe I was born in this world too early, cause all I can do is be annoyed at how puritannical this country STILL is. Cause doing porn nowadays means you can't be a teacher, a politician, and definitely not a president (though why compared to the current idget I'll never know!)
you are right greg - it's the laid back plus confident thing that's so appealing. and i totally agree, doing porn should be no impediment to doing anything else later - after all, how can people watch porn and then turn around to restrict what porn workers do after that work - stupid. in the context of reality (i.e. that people are stupid in this way and will continue to be) then sadly nathan is perhaps a bit unrealistic in his career choice. but as i've said all along, good luck to him! and none to dopes who would restrict him!
ReplyDeleteLet me add that another thing I liked is his openness about being gay. So nice to have someone you don't have to go through the whole gay for pay charade.
ReplyDeleteAlan down in Florida
hey anon. yeah, he's just cool and relaxed about it - no nasty guilt, excuse, whatever thing going on. take care. nick
ReplyDeleteI don't know about "undiscovered"--but DEFINITELY pretty! : )
ReplyDeleteyep, for me, pretty AND hot, very. puts my blood pressure up about 20 points - at least! take care. nick