Sunday, 25 February 2007

Sacred and Profane Love

There are guys you wanna put on a pedestal. Look at and worship. And maybe touch a bit. Kissing would be ok too. But not much else. I'll call them 'Sacreds'.

And there are other blokes whose jocks you just wanna rip right off. And ya wanna fuck. And fuck. And fuck. Guys I'll name 'Profanes'.

An example of the first category would be Roman Prada:

And of the second, Ricardito:

Let's check the efficacy of this categorisation. Remember, you are determining which category a bloke is in by deciding whether your reaction to him is primarily between your ears, or between your legs. Let's try Roman first and then with Ricardito.

Ok, look at Roman's 'wood':

Well, I'm cool calm and collected below (sorta), and cerebrally up - how bout you? Both 'metres' are giving their appropriate readings.

Ok, the next check should be 'up-close-and-personal wood':

How are you doing? No comment from me!!!! Maybe a faulty diode. Or a blown fuse.

Ok, the ultimate test has gotta be 'the backwoods':

Oh dear, I really failed cerebrally! Very badly indeed - not registering anything at all on the metre. And my tree wants to be planted in the backwoods! NOOOOW.

Ok, to Ricardito's 'wood':

My non-cerebral metre has gone off the scale already. A complete success! And not a thought in my head. No need to check any further - just enjoy the rest of the photos:

So my categorisation pretty much works, metre-wise. But how can I explain the small glitch with Roman? Maybe he's half 'Sacred' half 'Profane'? Mmm. Not a very convincing explanation.

Hey! Just thought of failproof category check! From a photo, can you say exactly how the guy smells? How bout Ricardito? Mmm - acrid, musky, sweaty ... a positive delicatessen of aromas. A true 'Profane'. And Roman? Nothing at all. A complete 'Sacred' - no equivocation. Quod erat demonstrandum.

1 comment:

  1. Roman smells like butter on fresh baked bread, vanilla and sandlewood -- sacred smells, indeed!
