Monday, 28 January 2008

Lucas Pugliessa - 'So what do you want!'

There's something in this kind of backward-glancing and challenging look that really does it for me. And the accompanying expression of surprise - the viewer's presence is unexpected and puzzling, his intentions unclear. 'So what do you want!' - with mildly threatening arrogance.

The situation is erotically charged cos, at the same time, he's physically vulnerable, bare arse and all.

All of which may also be said when the look is more intense and confronting. But now it's the seductive contradiction of 'Do me, don't you fucking dare do me!' Erotic confusion.

The first guy is Lucas Pugliessa, a Brazilian model and ex-footballer ...

... whose pink, shiny lollipop dick really does it for me too!

Can't imagine wanting to do anything with it but SUCK SUCK SUCK it.


  1. Why oh WHY don't I have a nextdoor neighbor like him?

  2. may you do greg - have you checked lately! i read lips and i'm sure the word 'greg' is just forming on them. take care my friend

  3. lol nick - but .... ummm ... how to be diplomatic? Lets just say I'm a "spring chicken" compared to the neighbors I have ... lol

  4. hey greg aka springchicken. never doubted your youth for a second. and your diplomacy - you put this all so nicely - big hug and kiss

  5. That first one is a fabulous, fabulous photo. Not only am I totally in love--I'm considering making Lucas the mascot of my blog! Seriously!

  6. isn't it just keith - i am slobbering still and see no end to it. the total turn-on pic.
