Sunday, 10 September 2006

The 'Great Great Butt' Poll

Vote for ya fav 'Great Butt'. Multiple answers are ok.
Butt 1
Butt 2
Butt 3
Butt 4
Butt 5
Butt 6
Butt 7
Butt 8
Butt 9
Ya gotta be kidding !!! (all are perfect)
Gimme break (all are rubbish - email me a pic, then!!!)
Free polls from


  1. Number eight is a great pic. Something about the light, and the grass, and the position of the hands.. ;-)

  2. yeah paul, his hands are where ours might wanna be! do u reckon he is the same guy as in No. 9? seems the same location and the same body. i love the calm idyllic 'atmosphere'. it transfers to the guy - u don't imagine he's into hot sweaty sex. nick

  3. Yeah I think they are probably the same guy. All those butts are nice.

  4. yeah, i think so - but (pun intended) one's man's butt is another man's 'but ... .'! nick
