Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Summer's Coming On in Sydney and Bod's Coming Out!

With hot weather so near, skin's out of hibernation. And my mind is turning particularly to blokes in swim wear - swimmers (Australia general, and US?), bathers (Melbourne-speak), togs (UK?), speedos (generic), trunks (where?), costumes (Sydney-speak) ... whatever.

I guess these must have looked really hot in their time - and some still do:


Early 1900's





1950 - No Comment!

1960 + - The Classic Speedos

1970's - The Thong

Now, the most serious and important development since speedos has been the male equivalent of the wonder bra - padded swimmers which promise variously to lift and separate, and extend and promote, even in very cold water.

'Wonderjock' from AussieBum

Though from all the photos I've seen I'm not so impressed. Maybe I expect too much, literally!

Anyway guys, which of the following nine current styles do you like best?

1 Regular Speedos

2 More Mini Speedos

3 Speedos with External Drawstring Bow

4 Gratuitous Speedos (Just a Very Cute Guy)

5 Boxer Style (Another Very Cute Guy)

6 Boxer Style with External Drawstring Bow

7 Designer Speedos (by Loaded)

8 Speedos with External Cum and Disordered Bow

9 No Speedos

Hope you are focused on the swimmers and not the blokes.

I didn't - and couldn't decide on 3 or 4 ... the guys, not the swimmers!


  1. great series of pics!!!!

    (and the guys aren't bad either)

  2. Do you really have to ask?
    Of course, #9 - the no speedo guy - is the best!

  3. i like to wear #9's speedos all the time! down my throat - the only place for them!

  4. #2, because the man is so hot with his big feet, and #9 because I'm gay as hell!!!
